

  • OMG I was so traumatized in high school over the running. I was the only fat kid in my PE class one year and I was always last when we had to run. I remember the coaches were really hard on me and some of my classmates would snicker or make snide comments about me. The worst was when we had to do something called the…
  • Good morning! I had a good day yesterday as far as my food goes. I ate under my calories and kept to my diet. I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't get to any exercise, so I've only done two light workouts this week, but hopefully I can make up for that. I'm on a fast day so I'm just drinking my green tea with a tiny…
  • We definitely need to celebrate every victory on our journey's and I am celebrating with you on this. Way to go, girl!
  • You are very sweet, and such a beautiful girl! I am so encouraged by your before and after and I see you have obviously done an amazing job in losing so much weight. My congrats to you on that! Thank you all for the kind welcome :)
  • And that is why I make sure to say that you need to find what works for you! We all have different bodies that have different needs that don't all process foods the same way. There are plenty of people who will have great success and failure on any given diet. There will also always be negative and positive research on any…
  • Karen, as you start reading up on intermittent fasting, please keep in mind that from what I've read, it may not work as well for some women, and women tend to do better on 5:2 fasting (fasting for a long period of up to 24 hours two days a week and eating normally the other two) than the window fasting (where you have a…
  • Oh boy, there are SO many things I won't miss lol A couple of things specifically: I won't miss the anxiety of trying to decide if I am going to break a chair or not and trying to sit in every chair as *carefully* as possible. Along the same lines, I won't miss having to wonder if I am going to even FIT in certain spaces…
  • First of all, thank you for watching out for everyone and having their best interests at heart! All I can say on this, is that I've done a lot of research on this subject before I started an intermittent fasting 5:2 diet. From what I've read, there are a lot of misconceptions about "starvation mode" and reducing calories.…
  • Greetings everyone, My name is Elisha and I just joined myfitnesspal this past week. I'm a 38 year old married woman who has been overweight her entire life. It wasn't always as bad as it is now. I was merely chubby/overweight when I was a younger kid, but by my senior year of high school I was 212 pounds. As a kid, I was…
  • Good morning everyone :) This will be my first check-in here. I'm still very new to myfitnesspal and trying to figure it all out. I woke up this morning to the treat that I have lost 1.5 pounds since my last weigh-in. (yay!) I'm currently on a 5:2 intermittent fasting plan and today is one of my fast days, so I won't be…
  • Thank you for the sweet welcome, Karen! :)
  • You guys have all hit on a lot of the things that I am looking forward to. The overwhelming thing I am looking forward to is hopefully having some self confidence for the first time in my life .I can't tell you how many things I've missed out on because of my weight whether directly, or because of how it makes me feel.…
  • My biggest temptation is any kind of crunchy and salty snack so I never buy crackers, chips, pretzels, or anything of that nature anymore. I stopped buying soda as well. I always think I'll just have one every once in a while, but I inevitably would reach for it over water as long as it was there. I also don't buy any…