

  • Thanks everyone! This is a big help.
  • See if you can visit a physiotherapist first and foremost. I used to suffer severe knee pain and never thought I could run but I worked with a physiotherapist and can now do 10km. Trick is keeping up the exercises so the pain never comes back. For me, the issue was my iliotibial band (or IT band) and I do the following: -…
  • My dog! I have a three year old Old English Sheepdog and to save my house while I'm at work she gets two hours of walking/running a day; one hour before work and another after. So, because of her I'm up at 5:15 a.m. Monday to Friday. No choice. Ugh. But it feels great afterwards.
  • Funny, it wasn't until I read your post did I remember I used to get stitches when I started running. Like someone else mentioned, watch your posture, I think that has a lot to do with it. And, if you do get one slow down and do some side stretches, that helped me. To the person who thinks you have to be under 200 lbs to…
  • You don't need WiFi with either Zombies, run! or Zombies 5K. The only thing you'll miss out on is the GPS tracking; it helps to track your distance and speed. To compensate, both apps will measure your footsteps...but note that that can be inaccurate sometimes. The best thing about these apps though is how engaging they…
  • In a day we average about 10 km between the two walks...varying speeds though.