

  • I'm sure they help, but I would say the effect is probably small. What is holding you back on the diets? Anything in particular?
  • Which career field are you in, if you don't mind me asking? I was Security Forces in the Reserves for five years. Left as a SSgt. I know from experience, military guys will pretty much make fun of you anyway they can. Whatever you do, don't let them know it bothers you. Anyway - I'm actually on here because I've put on…
  • My friend put it to someone who asked him at a party the best way possible. "Oooh. I'm trying this really awesome new thing." and when they got really excited and asked him what it was, he said in the most excited voice ever "I'm eating healthy and exercising!" He made a bigger point when everyone else was chowing down…
  • Kashi Oatmeal 100 Calorie Pack Raw Almonds Blueberry Chobani Greek Yogurt 32 oz Water If I workout when I wake up, which is usually the case, you could add 2 protein shakes to that. One is cookies and cream protein mixed with 1 cup of milk and the other is vanilla ice cream protein mixed with OJ.
  • I don't take drugs and I certainly don't speed around like a maniac. Especially with gas prices the way they are - I tend to drive right around the speed limit on the highway. However, I do play floor hockey in a beer league and "compete" in 5k obstacle course style races.
  • My mother actually takes a tablespoon a day in a large glass of warm water. A couple of things. My mother is 52. She does not exercise and she's home a lot. During her yearly check-up, her doctor remarked about how much her blood pressure has gone down (it was 110/60) and how basically everything came out better. The ACV…
  • This is pretty awesome. I may take this as a timed test for myself to do every few months.
  • Honestly, the best way to do this is to listen to your body. I can tell you from personal experience that when you listen to so-called experts who say that you should warm up for x minutes, make specific recommendations for interval training, and cool down for x minutes - you get injured. Why? You're worried about meeting…