Not adventurous?

ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
A friend of mine said I wasn`t adventurous because I don`t speed around like a maniac while driving or take illegal drugs. (to me these wou
d just be stupid) I guess its different to everyone. So, what you
d you consider to be adventurous?


  • strapple
    strapple Posts: 353 Member
    haha she sounds like a hot mess!!

    an adventure for me is going to a different grocery store :laugh:
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    for me..its being spontaneous.

    not being afraid to try new things (legal and healthy)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    well it was a guy but same difference :) It all started when I got excited because I got to slide down the emergency slide of a 747...but not just any 747 a special one. You`re in arizona right? I lived in phx a few years. I miss the stores like sprouts :(
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    for me..its being spontaneous.

    not being afraid to try new things (legal and healthy)
    Right? I was like I joined the Navy when I was almost 28. Does that not count?
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    joining the Navy defintiely counts

    My mother always says "Oh Jennifer, she is so adveennttuuurrouussss" and you just know that adventurous is a bad thing- a swear word of sorts. The most adventurous thing that I have ever done was to move to Madagascar and I agree that is fairly adventurous- but my living in Belgium is as adventourous as walking around your own home with helmet and elbow and knee pads on :-)

    apparently she thinks I am adventurous with food too- she likes to say oh " fill in food here" you would never eat that as a child- well mom perhaps I would eat the salmon, the sushi, the asperagus, the soft cheese or whatever is we ever had it in the house! :-)
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Madagascar sounds adventurous to me. Truthfully I ended up on air force base in nebraska so I`m not sure how adventurous the navy thing really is.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    I love any planned or unplanned adventure. Life is way too dull. Pack light. Get on a train, then a boat, buy an open-ended ticket. I got my passport for no reason, just wanted it, and I've already been to Canada. What's next this summer? Who knows. Europe on motorcycles, a tour of breweries in Belgium, and the alps.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    I love any planned or unplanned adventure. Life is way too dull. Pack light. Get on a train, then a boat, buy an open-ended ticket. I got my passport for no reason, just wanted it, and I've already been to Canada. What's next this summer? Who knows. Europe on motorcycles, a tour of breweries in Belgium, and the alps.
    I like the way you think...I really should get a passport...
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Wow. I really don't think risking lives and jail time is adventurous. I couldn't live with the paranoia. If you want to drive like a maniac, find a dragstrip. It's way better than loosng your licence or going to jail or killing some one.

    As far as the drugs, I don't think you could ever convince a user how much better their life would be witthout them.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    When I reach 170lbs I am jumping out of an airplane. That to me is adventurous. I dont think drugs were ever that much of an adventure.
  • Brendan_Townsend
    I don't take drugs and I certainly don't speed around like a maniac. Especially with gas prices the way they are - I tend to drive right around the speed limit on the highway.

    However, I do play floor hockey in a beer league and "compete" in 5k obstacle course style races.
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Wow. I really don't think risking lives and jail time is adventurous. I couldn't live with the paranoia. If you want to drive like a maniac, find a dragstrip. It's way better than loosng your licence or going to jail or killing some one.

    As far as the drugs, I don't think you could ever convince a user how much better their life would be witthout them.

    Right? I have another friend who was telling me how pissed she was that she gave someone else $20 to get some heroin or something and they just ended up stealing it. She actually said to me "Yeah I told this girl that either I get my drugs or my money but I never got either. It sucks, she just totally stole that from me." What do yoy say to something like that that you just don't understand at all. In all of the situations I just look at these people and say something like, "You do realize what my job is right?" I basically (in the nicest way possible) told my friend I didn't give a damn about her money.

    Adventure is different to everyone, but taking drugs and driving around like an idiot when you shouldn't is just stupid.

    Oh well, maybe one day I'll learn to put my fears aside....hahahahahaha
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Mr. Brendan,
    That sounds awesome.
  • Sonofabiscuit2
    Sonofabiscuit2 Posts: 323 Member
    I tried drugs when I was a kid (teen) it's not adventurous. I sped.down a hill on my motorcycle, scary not adventurous. I joined ther USMC and saw the world adventurous. I volunteered to be a wildland firefighter adventurous. I think I've done a lifetime of adventure now I'm just wanting a lifetime.