My bad just noticed there was a recipe section!
Wow! I remember now why I joined this community, such amazing support!! Thank you all so much! This all started when I was half way through eating an entire large pizza (something that I would do daily before). I was messing around on my phone and saw the MFP app. I opened it and saw I hadn't logged in almost a month. I…
I was on a three week plateau and it was killer! Then one week I weighed myself and was down four pounds. Have no clue how or why, I was doing the same thing. The human body is very strange sometimes, stick without you'll get past this! :)
I understand when people are doing dangerous stuff for sure. But I think what it really boils down to is some people are frustrated to see others losing weight and they aren't so they lash out at them.
Sorry about the knee man! But honestly my sport is weight lifting, its my favorite thing to do! Another one, that some might not call a sport is rowing!
I don't think you listened to a single thing anyone said. Stop worrying about what other people are eating and start worrying about what YOU are putting into YOUR body. Read the stickies find out how many calories you should eat, workout, lose weight and be happy.
A moment of silence for all the potential gains lost due to Planet Fitness...
I have a desk job, however I go to the gym six days a week. Five days of lifting at the gym a week and six days of cardio. I also do hiking on the weekends. I wasn't personally attacking you in any way. As I stated before, everyones body is different. Heres my usual meals. Breakfast: Protein shake, three rice cakes 200…
If you want to stay at 265 then I guess this will work (sarcasm). Your starting too low! I started at 345, was eating 2400 calories a day. I have gotten down to 270 and have lowered my calories to 1800. If you start to low eventually you will hit a wall and have to lower your calories more (anything below 1500 would be…
I have found that when I eat healthy and clean, its TOUGH for me to consume 1500 calories in a day (and I'm 6'0 270). Its very easy to feel like your starving when you eat crap foods with little to no nutritional value. I know a lot of people on here praise the fact they can eat whatever they want as long as it fits their…
I usually eat my "major" meal at night, like 7pm. I find it helps a lot with not snacking at night. I make sure to have like 1000 calories left so I can eat big.
Thank you :) And yep! I have until January until its actually starts but I'm going to be doing the actual physical abilities test in November. I'm hoping to be at my goal weight before the academy starts!
Yep! I'm still amazed at all the stuff its able to read! And thanks! :)
Well at least the town I live in Fort Collins, everyone seems to be living the healthy life style! This guy at my work lost over 100 pounds by counting calories. I didn't believe him until he showed me his before pictures. Trust me when I say I have tried A LOT of different diets, was taking fat burning pills and…
Thank you everyone! :) definitely one of those days that makes you realize its all worth it!
If I were you I would get off this costco protein shake diet ASAP! It sounds extremely unhealthy and dangerous. Having your daughters start something like that at such a young age will prove very detrimental to their health. Start reading the Stickies and start exercising, your daughters will see how healthy your getting…
Just looking at my before pics makes me cringe, I was so unhealthy. Looking at my back just disgusts me :( Never going back to that! :)
Thank you both :) want to get down to 195 but I'll see how I like being at 205! Haven't been at that weight since I was 14 lol
Ok I got it lol
Thats what I was afraid of :( MFP gave me a calorie goal of 2600 calories based on all the working out I do. That just seems like WAY too much
Just by looking at todays and yesterdays I can tell whats wrong, WAY over eating. I am 6'0 276 and eat less than 1800 calories a day. You should be at around that or a little less. Eating more fruits and vegetables is what really helps me, they fill you up and your not eating very many calories or fat.
People (at least at my gym) are so quick to help out and give tips. Its awesome! Some guys i've met will not take any advice and get offended lol right now I'll take as much advice as I can get :)
I just kinda laugh and shake my head when I see that lol. Its the people really grinding out 10+ reps that give me the motivation!
Sorry, if you want to lose the weight AND be healthy. If you just want to lose weight just eat less. But I wouldn't go that route.
Burn more calories then you eat and you will lose weight. I would suggest doing some weight training though. Everyone's tired after work but that's no excuse. If you really want to lose the weight then you have to push yourself :)
wheird, I'll let you know in a couple hours lol. Only kidding, yeah they get digested fine!
Thanks! I hear peanut butter is hard to come by in China lol I wouldn't last!