bah_bug Member


  • Which is why I said what I said in the way that I said it - clarifying the item, and being straightforward about it. My intention is not to control, but if I am upset by something, I'm not going to sit behind my keyboard and be bu**hurt about it. I point it out, and why I didn't like it. I'm not expecting apology or…
  • You might try looking at the Happy Herbivores group. It's a range of almost-veg through vegan, and there's a lot of helpful resources and recipes :)
  • I second (third? Fourth?) the freezing. CUt them up, spread them out on wax paper on a cookie sheet and freeze them, the divide them up into baggies. You can store them for a a good while that way. Otherwise - Greatist posted a smoothie today that uses them:…
  • It sounds like you have three options: 1) make separate meals. I mention this first because it's the least helpful, just to get it out of the way. It can be done, obviously, but it can also be a major pain in the butt. 2) Meat substitutes: tofu, tempeh, seitan, quorn - you may need to experiment a little, since he might…
  • Some people are moderators - people who can do things in moderation, and maintain control of the behavior without undue stress. Some are abstainers - people for whom it's simply easier to totally avoid something; it doesn't make them overly unhappy, and doesn't stress them out.. It sounds like you're an abstainer. That's…
    in Moderation Comment by bah_bug June 2014
  • Because making someone do something that makes them gag repeatedly until they vomit is totally part of compromise? Look, I get what you're trying to say, but please understand that A) you don't have the whole story, and B) your commentary on my marriage and my husband is not okay.
  • My husband has a LOT of food issues, thanks to his mother, mostly. I have fewer, except I'm vegetarian and he's not, really, though he doesn't mind eating that way. It's taken some time, but we've gotten to a pretty good place of "this is what I'm making. It's okay if you don't want any, but you're on your own, and you DO…
  • Yes - 100g cooked will be equal to 25g-33g raw, provided it's cooked with water.
  • The nutrition info will be essentially the same, but 1 cup cooked is about equal to 1/4 cup raw. Rice typically expands 3-4 times its raw volume when cooked.
  • "You've lost so much" --> "Nah, I just found a version of me that's happy." "You're boyfriend must be so happy." --> "Don't know. Never asked him. Wasn't his decision to make." "You're going to blow away." --> "I've always wanted to fly." "You're not going to eat *that.*" --> "Why yes, yes I am. And it's going to taste…
  • The short answer is that not all science is created equal, nor is it reported equally. The helpful answer is to look for programs that are peer-reviewed and backed by reputable organizations. For example:…
  • Oh, and last but not least, do something with your hands. Knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, gardening, drawing in a sketchbook, whatever craftsy thing you know how to do that takes your mind to a place of concentration, and gives you a sense of accomplishment. Very helpful
  • There's a lot of good stuff here. I'll chime in with my two cents, since this is something I still struggle with. * Walking, walking, walking. Just get out of the house and walk around outside. It doesn't have to be 'exercise pace,' in fact it's better not to think of it as exercise at all. Just going for a walk to see the…
  • If you're up to making your own bars, I highly recommend this recipe: Don't let the fact that they're vegan scare you off - these are amazing. My dyed in the wool meat eating aunt and her partner both LURVE them.
  • Actually, I prefer these compliments. This is complimenting something over which I have total control. How I look is something I work at, but I'm only working with what I've got - which I may not be feeling all that great about, some days. Its also something safe to compliment - I follow very closely the rule that unless…
  • I don't have this issue myself, but I know a couple people (teenage boys, actually,) who did. The problem was exacerbated by stress - when they were under stress from other things, they were less able to deal with it. In both cases, they worked with a therapist, and took medication (anti-anxiety I think, but I can't be…
  • It looks like dark leafy greens are your friend - 500+ per serving, and remember that leafy greens cook down a lot - what may seem like an awful lot raw will be totally reasonable cooked.. Remember also that you don't need to get it all at once - it can be spread out through the day.
  • 9 is my fave of the new ones. 4 )Tom Baker) is my fave overall. I liked Tennant, and love other stuff he's done, but Eccleston's intensity I absolutely /loved./
    in Allons-y! Comment by bah_bug May 2014
  • It's a personal thing. Some people do well with it, others don't. I don't really do mini meals, but I do *make* myself snack between meals, because I have some blood sugar problems. It does seem like a lot to take on board all at once, but if he is a nutritionist, he probably had some reasoning behind it. Without knowing…
  • Some grocers will carry bags of fresh pre-cut veggies that can just be steamed and ready to go. Usually broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, that sort of thing. If you have a rice cooker, it can do things like brown rice, barley, and farro/wheatberries. Some even have a steamer basket built in, for veggies. Salads are great…
    in Meal Prep Comment by bah_bug May 2014
  • I don't think is it hypocritical, at least, not necessarily. But it can be a very fine line that is very hard to walk, and it requires a lot of self-awareness, and a lot of (for lack of a better phrase,) self-care. Right now, having just started using MFP, I find myself going back to Kate Harding Fantasy of Being This a…
  • I keep oatmeal, trail mix, peanut butter and crackers in my desk. Sometimes heat-and-serve soup, if I find a kind I like with enough veg and low sodium. If I've been to Trader Joe's recently, I'll have a noodle bowl or two from them. Oh, and popcorn, for those looooong afternoons.
  • Walking in place (or even a little dancing,) while not terribly exciting, is at least a way to get it in. Also, can you ride a bike? If so, you might stalk your local craigslist for an exercise bike to keep at home for rainy days. Or stalk the sales - there are some that aren't too space intensive (though I know I couldn't…
  • Can I recommend this piece? It talks about using fitness trackers to even out eating habits.
    in Fit Fatties Comment by bah_bug May 2014
  • It's not a huge deal, unless you're specifically trying to go low carb.. If you are, I'd read this: Otherwise, it's the calories that matter most - just make sure you're getting enough protein - MFP's intake level tends to be high, I think:…
  • Hang in there :) People giving you a hard time for being vegetarian do it for a lot of reasons, but none of them have any bearing on *your* decision. That is, they're not really arguing against your reasons, they're arguing against a pre-conceived notion, or their own guilt, or out of a misguided (and unfortunately grossly…
  • I replace white rice, egg noodles or potatoes with farro/wheatberies or barley. I also eat a lot of lentils and beans, and popcorn or nut heavy trail mix is a frequent afternoon snack.
    in Fiber help ! Comment by bah_bug May 2014
  • Yup, here. My goal is a tiny weight loss, but only because my cardiologist mandated it :)
  • Migas - shallot and tomatoes sauteed in 1 tsp olive oil; add two corn tortillas, cut up, saute for a while, add cooked plack beans to warm them, then add 1/4 cup taco sauce + 1/4 cup water, because I didn't have salsa, cook until water reduces. Topped with 1/4 cup cheese, and had almond milk mocha. Normally, migas is made…