shortjules Member


  • Yea, I definitely would love to hear how people like this once it comes out.
  • welcome ladies!!!
  • Did RI30 a little bit ago. This week was horrible for working out. Today was my first day in 5 days so I was absolutely shocked when I got on the scale and saw I had lost 1.6 pounds. But I'm glad I got my workout in tonight. Wasn't the greatest for food; didn't even make it to 1200, but it was a busy day. I was on the road…
  • welcome everyone...
  • Everybody is doing such a wonderful job. Keep it up everyone. I think I'm starting to come down with a cold, which sucks. I started back to school this week which has messed with my workout schedule. I have to readjust my schedule so that I can fit everything in properly. I probably won't get to work out a lot this week…
  • Don't have any weight or measurements to add right now, I'll weigh again on Friday and take measurements in a week or so, but I have been noticing a definite increase in my strength and endurance. When I first started working out a little over a month ago it's sad to say I was basically only using 2lb weights because…
  • So, I really like honey nut cheerios, but dang do they have
  • Just finished RI30 Level 1. I swear I sweat so much more doing RI30 than I do with 30DS, but I like changing between the two. Hopefully this will help get some more weight and inches off.
  • Did 30DS Level 3 today...I feel better now that I got my Jillian "fix" for the day. It's been a rough couple of days.
  • what's today's challenge?
  • That's awesome for only 10 days....keep up the good work!
  • welcome...just think how great it will be in December for us all to look back at what we've accomplished and share with a group of people who've been cheering us along all year.
  • Good job everybody. Keep up the good work. I haven't gotten to do my Jillian videos the past couple of days because I've been crazy busy, but last night and tonight I did get in about 10-15 minutes of some strength training so that I didn't feel like a complete bump on a log.
  • I'm down 0.9lbs this week.
  • It actually is good for both men and women alike to lift heavy weights. Without supplements and steroids it is genetically impossible for women to "bulk" up like men. We just don't have the testosterone levels necessary for such a thing to happen. Lifting heavy will tone your body.
  • Didn't do any video today, but did some quick strength training....25 squat rows, 25 lunges with a bicep curl, and 25 kettlebell that in before's been a long, stressful week. I'll have to get back at it tomorrow. I had plans to do my workout when I got home from work, but I just got home and I'm half…
  • Today's mini challenge done. Can definitely feel all my muscles in my abs right now.
  • So, Andrea asked me to post the mini challenge for Thursday so here it is.... 25 Squat Rows 25 Lunges with a bicep curl 25 Kettlebell swings(you can use a dumbell if you don't have a kettlebell) How to do: Grab the kettlebell/dumbell with both hands, squat with the kettlebell between your legs and when you come up from the…
  • 20 squats, crunches and bicep curls done. Has the challenge for tomorrow been posted?
  • Good job everybody....and thank you curlygirlcami for starting this thread. This is exactly what I was hoping for when starting this group. I'm positive that we have together a great group that's going to keep us motivated this year.
  • I'm using 5lb weights most of the time.
  • Today I did the RI30 Level 1....killer during...amazing afterwards.
  • circuit training under cardio if you don't have a heart rate monitor
  • I know how you feel there. I couldn't do the rockstar jumps...I could barely get my feet off the floor I was so tired.
  • So, I had white castle today....3 of the lil sliders, totaling 510 calories. Luckily I didn't go over my calorie count. I just had to eat them. I live in FL and we do not have white castle here (which is something that I miss sometimes). Well, one of the nurses that I work with had family come down from up North and they…
  • Great plans everyone! Myth: So sorry to hear about the pulled muscle, but kudos to you for still getting in a're a trooper.
  • I definitely want to pick up this video. I don't have it yet, but I'm sure it will be awesome, just as all the rest. I have heard that she does put some cardio into it as well, which is awesome. Let me know how you do.
    in 6W6P? Comment by shortjules January 2012
  • WELCOME EVERYONE....I'm so excited that we are getting a good group of people together. I wasn't sure what kind of response I would get, but we are already above 50 members in our little group since I started it yesterday. I see we have a new topic started already by Amy...WAY TO GO!!!! Everyone...use this group any way…
  • You can do it...if you have to, make a schedule for yourself....and make sure you check in...if you are having a bad day just check about progress of other group members...I know for me it's the kick I need to keep going when I feel like giving up.