

  • I'm 31 weeks, and was overweight to begin with. And now I have gestational diabetes. But the good news is that ever since I cut out the sugar and have faithfully been using MFP to track everything, my blood sugar is great (no meds!) and I've lost 9 pounds! So MFP is really helpful for me to start undoing the damage I did…
  • It sounds like you are surrounded by negative people in your life. Don't you think it's time for you to be kinder to yourself? I do! You lost 30 pounds, and that's awesome! How did you do that? By working hard and making great choices, even when it was tough. Maybe you can apply that same energy to some positive self talk?…
  • I'm pregnant and just trying to be healthy during my pregnancy. I have a lot of weight to lose, so I decided that what I wanted to be able to do for myself was to stay neutral with my weight. I'm hoping better eating and lots of walking will help me lose fat while my baby is growing. I'm definitely feeling more energetic,…
  • This is AWESOME!
  • I'm down to a 22 and I fit fine at Six Flags! You'll have no trouble at all! Go and enjoy your success!!!
  • I'm pushing 41, but totally feeling like I'm still in my 20s!! Youth truly is wasted on the young! LOL! Feel free to add me...I can always use more friends and support!!
  • I use Shakeology for breakfast. (I do NOT sell it!) I like it because I am not a big breakfast eater so it's easy for me to drink in the car on the way to work. Otherwise, I was bad about skipping breakfast. This is just easier for me than cooking something and it keeps me from going though the fast food lines. I don't…
  • You can add me too!! It takes a village, right? We all need you as much as you need us! :)
  • I've been finding a lot of dip recipies on Pinterest that I can substitute low fat or fat free ingredients with. You might take a look there and see what you find. Or even try adding ranch dressing mix to greek yogurt and dipping vegies in that...yum!
  • I think I would suggest that you ask yourself why this is acceptable to you. You are complete package, and if he's busy pointing out the things he thinks are unaccepatble, there is probably someone else out there ready to tell you all the things that he finds wonderful about you. Even though you say everything else is…
  • Me me! I'm not really a runner yet. But I aspire to be! I'll add you!! :)