lkphilley Member


  • you ask peoples opinions then it looks like you are upset with the answer what's up with that? you have made your mind up and different things work for different people hopefully it will work for you.
  • the bad thing is when are not eating your body goes into starvation mode and starts to hoard what you do eat for the future and your metabolism will be reset.i had a sister in law that ran and skipped meals and she set her metabolism so high she gained at eating a single bit.i was 355 and dieted my way up by skipping meals…
  • swimming builds muscle because you are working with the resistance of the water and the public gyms have pools and some have trainers .:smile:
  • I gained a lb. but I am hoping it is muscle.I have lost alot of my muscle and I have been working more than I have been(pushing thru pain).So I hope to see more loss soon.I am changing bad habits one at a time so I know I am progressing but when I dwell on the scale I get discouraged so I need to work on that :happy:
  • its not how many times you fall it's how many you get back upyou will do it ---rooting for you:smile:
  • If you do gain a little it is because muscle weighs more than fat but muscle will eat the fat so it is better to have the muscle. you will usually see lose in inches when you don't see it on the scale. you are doing good keep it up---happy for you:happy:
  • where in texas I live in new waverly
  • I joined this group but what do I do and I am in central time I am in texas.I haven't figured evrything out yet :ohwell:
  • That is fantastic I wish I could go to the gym but for now all I can do is walk BUT my pool is almost warm enough to exercise in it. I want to loose 20 then after that goal 20 more. I am breaking it up so it doesn't overwhelm me.I am so happy for your first 3 lbs keep it up and have a good day:smile:
    in granny's Comment by lkphilley May 2014
  • Inarie- I would rather walk outdoors and I love hills and mountains--I don't know how many I could walk.You are a really inspiration to read.My Aunt and I walked her hills by her house and it really gets your heart going but you have things to look at outside.Keep it up and have a good day
  • merrygrannie Good morning I have been reading on a web called fly lady and she said as soon as you get up wash your face brush your hair get dressed with your tennis shoes on then your body knows it's time to move,and it works for me.Plus I step outside that always gets me moving .This morning though is the exception I…
  • That is amazing keep it up your family needs you around for along time:smile:
  • That's wonderful I am 60 and you sound alot better in moving than me you are an inspiration keep posting and have a great day:smile: O K ----i seemed to have posted this twice and I can fiqure how to take it off lol sorry
  • That's wonderful I am 60 and you sound alot better in moving than me you are an inspiration keep posting and have a great day:smile:
  • There you go looks like you both can help each other:smile: :smile:
  • he is correct and the more muscle mass you have you can weight more and look smaller and your metabolism willkeep you need NOT to look at the scale and look at how you feel we always look larger than we think we far as how you think and your fears it needs to be someone who has overcome the same problem…