Raleigh loser here :)

I'm your typical "chubby teen who got fat" with some non-typical stops along the way. Originally from Minnesota and now living in Raleigh (via North Dakota) with my wife and four kids.

I used to say I was so tired of being fat. So sick of feeling guilty about eating or avoiding the doctor's office because I knew what they'd say.

I wasn't sick of being fat. Sure - I hated being fat, but when it came down to it I would choose the pizza over green things and TV over exercise.

I started using MFP in 2012 and used it ... once? Maybe twice. That was my MO. Get super excited about getting healthy, sign up for 10 websites and then after a few days ... holiday ... birthday ... sick ... hurt ... excuses.

Every time.

That's not being "sick" of it. That's wanting change without being willing to make it happen.

I'm sure many of you know exactly what I mean. It's what we do ... well ... me anyway. But I don't think I'm alone.

So this time I did it differently. Instead of telling people what I was *going* to do - I decided to only get online and talk about it once I was doing it and had been for a while.

I'm down 50 lbs at this point. I'm eating well. I'm running 15-20mpw. I've ditched a few bad habits along the way (Facebook is no longer a part of my life) and I'm feeling like I'm really ready to say that I'm "sick of being fat" and actually doing something about it.

So ... Hi :)

It's nice to meet you.


  • lkphilley
    lkphilley Posts: 18 Member
    That is amazing keep it up your family needs you around for along time:smile:
  • Rocqu
    Rocqu Posts: 1 Member
    Great work Ben! Keep it up.
  • ivybutterflyanne
    ivybutterflyanne Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ben. I have a similar story. I am working out, but have not been willing to cut out fast food, and really make a change. Any suggestions?