One meal a day



  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Hey everyone,

    So I just wanted some input.

    I started a new plan for myself and i can tell its already going to be the start to something amazing.
    I decided to eat 1 meal at 5pm with a healthy dessert . I have never been a breakfast person and I would usually snack at lunch time on unhealthy things. Waiting until 5 pm and drinking water gives me the full feeling that grazing through out the day does not.
    Or to constantly think about the meals i have to prepare etc. I will be going to nursing school in september and things will be hectic. So eating one meal a day is the best way to go RIGHT?

    My friend said its not good for my metabolism and that i would gain it back if i were to eat breakfast.
    Im sorry but I call BULLsh** :grumble: back in the caveman days people were to busy looking for food they only had 1 meal a day. and was there obesity NOPE.. plus if your goal is to get your calories in should it matter when. Its easy for me to stay busy in the morning and excercise until 5pm hits and than i have my 1 meal, yoga, tv and bed.

    Is it to good to be true, or do you think if you eat one meal a day within your calories, excercise and build a calorie deficent that i will loose weight


    I think this group could be very useful for you:

    Many people have lost weight with a plan similar to what you describe. That being said your caloric deficit, not your eating window will dictate movements on the scale over time.

    Good luck!
  • Nikkisfitblog
    Nikkisfitblog Posts: 149 Member
    Most effective way to embark on a weight loss when your hungry and stop when your not. Hunger is different from cravings...rewarding hunger results in healthy leptin levels and fullness cues.

    1 meal a day wont work if you spent the day starving!
    That is what got most people into weight troubles in the first place

    A lot of people confuse boredom eating and emotional eating with actual physical hunger. Track what you eat, yes, but dont eat till you are given physical hunger signals, that is when your body is prepped for digesting thats when your bod;es leptin levels will respond most effieciently. I am talking the general fitness population, just those who have lost touch with what real hunger is through dieting and restiction.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I'm no scientist - and I dint stay at a holiday inn express but ...

    Every doctor I have spoken with about weight and everything I've read basically say the same thing -

    "Typically" (the magic word cuz were all different)
    - skipping meals Slows your metabolism
    - breakfast should be the largest meal of the day and dinner the smallest (unless you are. Shift worker)
    - if you want to loose weight, you need to eat all 3 meals plus snack every 2 hours
    - do not go to bed right after dinner
    - Walk to loose weight. Don't run, or lift weights - just walk.

    None of that has any bearing on reality, and doctors are typically poor sources of nutritional information in my experience. Skipping a meal or even two every day won't make any appreciable difference in metabolism. Breakfast size or even it's inclusion has no bearing on overall health, number of meals, or how often they occur is irrelevant, and while walking is great, running, and especially lifting weights are great ways to assist weight-loss and contribute to overall health.



    It always baffles me how most modern people seem to accept that a vet is not as reliable a source for pet nutrition as a pet nutritionist, but they can't accept that the same is true for doctors. If I am worried about my diet, I would see a dietitian or a nutritionist. Not my doctor. No offense to doctors. They do amazing jobs (most of them). Just that the former specialized in nutrition, the latter does not.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    As long as it is one huge meal - over 1200 - you should be fine.

    ^^ this. As long as you're getting your calories in, it doesn't really matter when you do it.
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Sumo wrestlers eat only one or two meals a day. They never eat breakfasts. They exercise on empty stomach...Go figure....

    That's pretty sweet broscience there.

    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...

    Tradition, training and practicality, thats why. You aren't going to want to bash tummies and give maximal effort when they are packed full of fish and rice in an attempt to gain weight....just try to max out a huge meal and then go do heavy lifting/wrestling and you will answer your own question, its nothing to do with meal timing = gain. ;)
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Going to nursing school- then you should know better. Bad idea. Please don't ever advise your patients to follow this plan. Insane.

    Yeah, while I don't think it has much of any effect for weight loss, it probably would for brain function (learning) and mood...I'm not sure its a good idea DURING nursing school with the extra stresses. Plus, while there is no real proven effect of weight loss doing something like this, there are studies showing negative effects of skipping breakfast and lunch and learning...
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    Hope he'll forgive me for using him as an example but MFP user LOLBroscience


    He eats between 2800-3200 cals (depending on if he's in a bulk, cut or maintaining) and he does so in just 2 meals.

    I guess someone better tell him he's doing it wrong and he's going to end up like a sumo because he only eats 2 meals.

    This is logical fallacy of composition as well as incomplete comparison and hasty generalization. Check the list of logical fallacies.
    . But when you use sumo wrestlers as an example it's ok?
    Because of statistics.

    No, you are using statistics badly. The biggest factor for sumo wrestlers is not the meal timing, it is how much they eat purposefully to gain maximal weight! And the correlation of two meals a day with weight gain is completely wrong since it has nothing to do with the weight gain, and everything to do with not bashing into someone and trying to lift 400lbs out of the ring on a stomach full to the brim! Talk about cramp and puke fest...the real reason is rather obvious and your link is completely irrelevant and coincidental.
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member

    The reason behind me bringing up the caveman is I think all the stupid fuss about having 6 meals a day is crap.
    If I choose to eat 1 meal of 1200-1500 calories (including a dessert) and I can get my nurtrients and all in including the vitamins I take. I dont see that as a problem. Now I understand that some people can not do the whole fasting thing , but yesterday was my first day. I was a little hungry but i drank water and moved my mind on to something else. 5pm came I ate and I stopped and i was satisfied for the whole night compared to when i had a small 250 calorie dinner and was craving snacks before bedtime.

    So again YES to each his own. !
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    I agree , if you can get your calories in and your nutrients whats the big deal.
    I work fine in the morning without food! I just know at night is when i reach for snacks!
    but being full full 5pm gives me no cravings at night. Rumor is never to eat 2 hours before you go to bed. I usually sleep around 9pm 10pm.
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    WAY TO GO !!!!
    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    One meal/day, late in the day, works well for me because: 1) once I start eating, I am hungry the rest of the day-- it is a trigger! 2) at least I can feel halfway-full once a day-- instead of NEVER feeling anywhere near halfway full!
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    I eat 1MAD. It works for me. Don't feel dizzy, weak, hungry (except at meal time), jittery or any other creepy thing people say will happen. I am very active for my age. I eat at my goal calories. Eat healthy foods and enjoy my meal and lovely dessert. I have been doing this for a month. I am old enough to be you grandmother. Feel better than I have in years. BP finally under control. Only have to count calories 1 time per day then I can forget about food for the rest of the day. Don't have to carry snacks and food around. I eat around 3 pm, but can change the time if I want to. Gives my body a chance to rest from processing food. Losing 1/4 to 1/2 lb per day. I exercise daily. Has helped me realize just how much I used to eat. I believe eating time is just a habit. I don't have too cook for children or family, don't have a work schedule, so this has worked great for me. Good luck to you. Wish I had discovered this years ago.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I personally can't eat like that, or my blood sugar would be all out of wack.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oP- it's fine- eat your 1 meal a day- sometimes I only eat one meal a day- normally it's 1 small/medium meal at lunch/1PM and then a snack at 2/3 PM and then a big meal around 11 PM.

    I'm doing pretty well- on my second cut cycle. If it's manageable for you- then do it. If it isn't manageable- then don't do it.
    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning, because you have time to burn calories throughout the day.
    really? what happens at night when you sleep? Your metabolism tanks every night when you sleep too?

    Can't help but laugh at the pictures of very ripped people as proof that eating one meal a deal is the correct path for losing weight.

    Once you have 200lb's of lean mass on your body burning calories and causing expenditure you're in a VERY different category than someone who is obese and is trying to lose weight.

    Those people have absolutely nothing to do with an obese persons situation in losing. Even whilst in a cutting cycle.

    and how's that??

    It's still a calorie deficit- it's just a hell of a lot harder when your at 11% BF vs 35% body fat. The process- is EXACTLY the same.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning, because you have time to burn calories throughout the day.

    So not true. I believe my ticker and my 16% BF show I've done quite fine skipping breakfast. And my maintenance calories set to 2500 show my metabolism is running pretty well, thanks. Calories can't tell time, and your metabolism runs 24/7.

    PS: Sumo wrestlers bulk at around 20,000 calories a day, something your link failed to mention. Convenient, yes? I really don't think the OP is looking at an intake like that.
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    Not a wise decision. If you skip breakfast you will slow down your metabolism. I know what it's like not being a morning person, I just do protein shakes. I have one of those shaker cup things so it takes literally 2 minutes to make breakfast on my way out the door.

    Try doing something like that to at least give your body something to go off before you have your large meal at 5:00. Plus I think it would be hard to eat all the calories you need in one meal.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Not a wise decision. If you skip breakfast you will slow down your metabolism. I know what it's like not being a morning person, I just do protein shakes. I have one of those shaker cup things so it takes literally 2 minutes to make breakfast on my way out the door.

    Try doing something like that to at least give your body something to go off before you have your large meal at 5:00. Plus I think it would be hard to eat all the calories you need in one meal.

    Way to read all the posts.
  • lkphilley
    lkphilley Posts: 18 Member
    the bad thing is when are not eating your body goes into starvation mode and starts to hoard what you do eat for the future and your metabolism will be reset.i had a sister in law that ran and skipped meals and she set her metabolism so high she gained at eating a single bit.i was 355 and dieted my way up by skipping meals --i now know it is better to eat something every few hours (small amounts) my daughter and her family lost weight by now colas or chips or white bread at first and walked then they ate a certain amount of calories and had free fridays where they ate what they wanted--gave them something to look forward to then back on their plan on saturday they all lost alot.i would say if you you don't want to eat at least do a protein drink for those skipped meals that way your body thinks you ate good luck
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I started a new plan for myself and i can tell its already going to be the start to something amazing.
    I decided to eat 1 meal at 5pm with a healthy dessert . I have never been a breakfast person and I would usually snack at lunch time on unhealthy things. Waiting until 5 pm and drinking water gives me the full feeling that grazing through out the day does not.
    Or to constantly think about the meals i have to prepare etc. I will be going to nursing school in september and things will be hectic. So eating one meal a day is the best way to go RIGHT?

    Sure why not, what's the worse that can happen?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    the bad thing is when are not eating your body goes into starvation mode and starts to hoard what you do eat for the future and your metabolism will be reset.

    Based on what research?