One meal a day

Hey everyone,

So I just wanted some input.

I started a new plan for myself and i can tell its already going to be the start to something amazing.
I decided to eat 1 meal at 5pm with a healthy dessert . I have never been a breakfast person and I would usually snack at lunch time on unhealthy things. Waiting until 5 pm and drinking water gives me the full feeling that grazing through out the day does not.
Or to constantly think about the meals i have to prepare etc. I will be going to nursing school in september and things will be hectic. So eating one meal a day is the best way to go RIGHT?

My friend said its not good for my metabolism and that i would gain it back if i were to eat breakfast.
Im sorry but I call BULLsh** :grumble: back in the caveman days people were to busy looking for food they only had 1 meal a day. and was there obesity NOPE.. plus if your goal is to get your calories in should it matter when. Its easy for me to stay busy in the morning and excercise until 5pm hits and than i have my 1 meal, yoga, tv and bed.

Is it to good to be true, or do you think if you eat one meal a day within your calories, excercise and build a calorie deficent that i will loose weight



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    As long as it is one huge meal - over 1200 - you should be fine. I'd kill someone around 2:00 - but if it works for you...
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    Calories can't tell time.

    Meet your daily caloric goal and do what works for you.

    I only eat between noon and 8pm, and only 2 meals and 1 snack.
  • Dagmere
    Dagmere Posts: 16
    Sumo wrestlers eat only one or two meals a day. They never eat breakfasts. They exercise on empty stomach...Go figure....
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    Sumo wrestlers eat only one or two meals a day. They never eat breakfasts. They exercise on empty stomach...Go figure....

    That's pretty sweet broscience there.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I find I do best sticking to my calorie goals if I wait till 12-2pm to have my first food of the day. I drink water and keep busy all morning and don't really notice I am hungry at all until it is later in the day. I still hit my goal of 1800 calories just fine.
  • Dagmere
    Dagmere Posts: 16
    Sumo wrestlers eat only one or two meals a day. They never eat breakfasts. They exercise on empty stomach...Go figure....

    That's pretty sweet broscience there.

    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    They also eat an insane amount of food and sleep when they aren't training. Here's a thread for you:
  • Dagmere
    Dagmere Posts: 16
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    It's the calorie surplus making them gain weight. It's not meal distribution and there's a large amount of data to support that.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Regarding the original post: I think it's fine provided you can adequately nourish yourself and meet calorie and macro needs in 1 meal. Most people probably cannot.

    The differences in fat loss aren't likely to be significant whether you eat few large meals or several small ones. Go with whichever gives you better adherence.
  • pythonsweb
    pythonsweb Posts: 49 Member
    I only eat 1 meal a day, I start in the morning with the first bite and take my last bite at night :D
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    I have an eating window between 11am-7pm, which for me is usually 2 meals. I tried to shrink my window to 4 hours for a while but I found that I could meet my calorie goal, but I could NEVER meet my macro goals-especially fiber. Specifically, I didn't have room for fruits and veggies because I was too full of other food.

    If you can get all your nutrients, macros, and calories out of one meal there is no reason not to. But it might be harder to do than you think!
  • Dagmere
    Dagmere Posts: 16
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning, because you have time to burn calories throughout the day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning.

    Tell that to this guy...


    I'm sure he and other IFers would love to know how their metabolisms are being slowed down and how they are storing fat...

    As someone else stated already....pure bro-science and really, just old wives tales.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning.

    Tell that to this guy...


    I'm sure he and other IFers would love to know how their metabolisms are being slowed down and how they are storing fat...

    As someone else stated already....pure bro-science and really, just old wives tales.
    Also this guy
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning.

    Tell that to this guy...


    I'm sure he and other IFers would love to know how their metabolisms are being slowed down and how they are storing fat...

    As someone else stated already....pure bro-science and really, just old wives tales.


    I wake up at 7am. I don't break my fast until around 12pm. Lose weight on 1900 calories. Sounds like crap to me. oh, and tonight imma have a 1200 calorie snack right before bed.
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    Those are facts. Food for thought.. why they do that...


    Also since you have details on what sumo wrestlers typically eat, let's talk about their total calorie intake too.

    Of course it is about intake and burn of calories. You will always loose weight once you burn more than eat. But here is the problem.
    When you don't eat breakfast and starve yourself for most part of the day, you slow down your metabolism and also you teach your body to conserve every possible amount of energy. .. which means your body learns to storage fat.
    If one meal a day works for you.. it is better to eat it in the morning, because you have time to burn calories throughout the day.

  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

     "While work in rats and mice, for whom everything happens faster, has found that a single meal can lower metabolic rate, this is irrelevant to humans. Skipping a meal will not affect human metabolic rate at all."