

  • HA! Me too! No fried food ... check! and I am looking forward to dancing tomorrow!
  • Hey Challengers I am down 2 lbs this week. Next week will likely be another story after the whole easter thing. I didn't just eat candy, I ate everything I could get my hands on, including pizza, bread stuffing, rolls, etc. No logging for me this weekend. Such is life. Today is a new day ... good luck to everyone! Lisa
  • Hi Teresa and all April Challengers I am going to give it a go, because I did manage to pull off the March challenge! I am already 3 months into my weight loss so I think that 10 lbs is too lofty of a goal for me. That's 2.5 lbs per week and my personal goal is about 1.5 now. Granted I still have about 40lbs to go to get…
  • That's too funny! I was just telling my husband the exact same thing! I have lost 30lbs (14%). I used to always be soooo hot and now I am always looking for a sweater. Wonder what I'll feel like when I loose the other 30?
  • I don't actually eat a "low carb" diet, but I don't eat wheat, which is kind of similar. I eat a lot of lean meats and vegetables, often at lunch and dinner. Soups with broth, eggs - I prefer egg whites because I can eat more. I usually eat a lot of "fritatta-type" meals. I stir fry spinach, veg, sometimes cheese and/or…
  • Good morning, everyone! Congratulations to all the losers out there! It looks like everyone is doing really well. I also really like that no-one is giving up! Those of you who are not losing as fast as you expected deserve the biggest pat on the back for not giving up!I am happy to report that I have reached my goal. I…
  • I could use a couple myself. Although the boards are a really great tool. I joined a couple "challenges" so I have to be accountable that was as well.
  • Morning everyone! I lost another 3.2 lbs this week (????). Am a little in shock, wasn't expecting such a big loss two weeks in a row (3.6 last week). That's makes me 8.6 gone for this 10 lb challenge, 1.4 to go! Yipee! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • How is everyone doing on this challenge? I have my start date for this challenge as Feb 22nd. Did anyone else put that as their start date or did you put March 1? Either way I think I am on track ... my stats are: Start Weight: 197.8 Current Weight: 192.4 (down 5.4) Goal (end of March): 187.8 (4.6 to go) Sure will be nice…
  • Good morning, I am just tagging this topic. Happy birthday, Steph_135!
  • Hope everyone is doing well on thier 10 lb challenge. I lost another 1.8 lbs for a total of 4.8 so far. I am confident with my 3 lbs loss last week that I will achieve my 10 lb goal. I have been really working on eating whole foods and avoiding all processed stuff. works most of the time although I have had a couple slips…
  • Some Kashi brand cereals have lots of protein - go lean (13 grams) and go lean crunch (9 grams) do, anyway. I enjoy a bowl everymorning with blue diamond regular unsweetened almond milk .. I'm sure they are great with soy milks too!
  • I'm in! Let the challenge begin! Do we include today's weigh in? Or is today just the starting point (0lbs gone) with next week's weigh in the official first number?