mallkrawler Member


  • Keep your chin up. Be realistic, we all know we are going to have a bad food day! Its a guarantee we are all human. Learn from your mistakes and never give up because of the screw up. And when you have a bad food day try to use it to fuel a workout!
  • Read the book, get energized and feel great. 30grams carbs a day puts you in ketosis, your canabalizing your own muscle and probably feeling like crap. I know I would when doing no carb plans. Don't be afraid of healthy carbs. The program is high carb day followed by no carb day with no fats on the high carb day. Don't get…
  • I second the pizza... we do the same and add veggies from the garden... onions/green pepper/jalapenos but cook it all in the oven to keep the veggies crisp. Also my wife has cooked the same thing with summer squash slices and fresh garlic. I was skeptical but it was great and filling.
  • Muscle milk has given me bad days! Usually if taken on an emppty stomach. I prefer ON gold standard and eas 100% whey... no issues I think its individual tolerance... Funny thing is I crave the taste of HotStuff from the mid 90's.... mmmm
  • 1500 on low carb and 2000 on high carb.... make sure to count the veggies even they are unlimhard time getting caloruesited and any sauces. Also if you have a hard time getting your calories do protein shakes its an easy couple hundred cals
  • Eat every three hours or so. There really isn't a schedule! Just within 30min of waking and every three after that. I actually go 3.5 to fit my work schedule better.