Powdered Protein that does not agree with you.

Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
For weeks I have been taking Muscletechs whey protein plus and nearly every day its ends up the same way after only 2 scoops.. I am on the toilet several times having to take Pepto to calm my stomach. I thought maybe it was my vitamins or diet and eliminated things one at a time. When I went to eliminate the possibility of it being that brand of protein BINGO I found the problem. I changed over to a brand of whey protein called Simply Right protein and it was just simple protein with out all the extra stuff these supplement companies try to cram into their products that I believe was the culprit to my stomach problems and so far so good.
What are some protein powders that have not agreed with you?




  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    People with gastrointestinal issues with whey protein can be sensitive to the type of whey. For example if your whey protein is mostly whey concentrate, try whey isolate instead. If whey isolate does not work try hydrolyzed whey. Of course each of those are higher in quality and increase in cost so try to get some sample packets first.

    Other than that only thing I can think of is there must be some ingredient, or amount of a certain ingredient. Can be a problem to figure it out if it's an ingredient that's part of a proprietary blend.
  • mallkrawler
    mallkrawler Posts: 6 Member
    Muscle milk has given me bad days! Usually if taken on an emppty stomach.
    I prefer ON gold standard and eas 100% whey... no issues

    I think its individual tolerance...

    Funny thing is I crave the taste of HotStuff from the mid 90's.... mmmm