heididw Member


  • Personal Trainer Route it is then?!
  • If you are going to count point you may as well count calories on MyFitnessPal. I think MFP gradually teaches you portion control, while WW just makes you dependent on their products and support. The only tool that has meant I have kept the weight off is MFP. I feel much more empowered to continue to do well and balance my…
  • Homemade Soda Bread with fennel seeds (made with yoghurt) covered with Tuna & Cottage Cheese filling. Mix 250gr of Cottage Cheese with a tin of tuna and add a tsp of wholegrain mustard - gorgeous and healthy!!!
  • Homemade Soda Bread with fennel seeds (made with yoghurt) covered with Tuna & Cottage Cheese filling. Mix 250gr of Cottage Cheese with a tin of tuna and add a tsp of wholegrain mustard - gorgeous and healthy!!!
  • Pita with ham, cheese and tomato! Yum yum! Or a Tortilla Wrap with leftover Chicken Curry (and a bit of salad) ... Alternatively make a salad with mango, pineapple, and apple, it's like eating a fresh fruit salad.
  • Hi Sarah, Some muscle definition would be nice, but not the main objective ... Heidi
  • Either way, you have to count them in as if you don't your body may go into starvation mode, meaning you will stop losing weight. Personally I set my setting to the Sedentary setting and count everything, including walking to work, cleaning and cooking, as exercise. Hope that helps, Heidi
  • I keep my three main meals between 900-1000 calories and adjust my snack depending on my exercise on the day. On a day I don't exercise I snack on fruits like blueberries, strawberries and low calorie cereal bars. On the days I do exercise I snack on nuts, flapjacks and higher calorie cereal bars.
  • Hi Andrea, I have been using MyFitnesspal for the last 18 months and have lost 42lbs so far. To get me started I tracked my food and exercise as it was for 2 weeks. It then showed me how wrong my portion sizes were. After 2 weeks I set myself to lose but 1lb per week so I tweaked the portion sizes rather than change what I…
  • I have found that the best results come when I eat more on the days I exercise, fuelling my body on the day, before or just after exercise. When I don't eat enough on the days I exercise, my body goes into 'starvation mode' for the rest of the week and I usually stay the same weight or even gain some. I hope that helps…
  • Interesting, I have lost 28lbs and too am stuck? Have introduced more exercise, so fingers crossed ... I do need to get better at drinking more water! Thank you for raising the question and subsequent advise. Heidi
  • Hi, My name is Heidi and I live in Lincoln. I saw your question in the subject line of my profile so thought I'd ask you how you got on? My partner, Andy, is wanting to complete a half Ironman in July 2010 in Antwerp. His first one! He'll be looking for some tips?! Any nutritional or other tips from your very-recent…