Im 20, 5 ft 3 i weigh 8st 8lbs have been eating around 1200-1500 calories a day, and usually eat out at weekends but still calorie counting usually 2000 calories on a saturday! i excercise cardio workouts 3 - 4 times a week aswell as legs bums and tums and am finding it sooo difficult to lose i just stay the same! i was hoping to be 8 stone before my holiday may 31st!! 5 weeks to go... can anyone help please!!!!


  • kate1975
    kate1975 Posts: 31
    hmmm well i wish i was your weight lol are you sure you need to drop any weight? to be honest and in no way rude your weight and height sounds about right if not a little under! but it sounds like your not eating enough and your body is in starvation mode with all the work outs added. i could be wrong and im sure someone will be able to help good luck x
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    at 120 pounds and 5ft3 you are actually really close to the proper weight for your height. Given that you want to drop 8 more pounds my advice is to set your goals to a 1/2 pound a week loss to make it work, as 1 pound a week at your weight/height will not work for you. The less you have to shed the less your goal should be set at for fat loss and not muscle loss. Also make sure you are eating back all the exercise cals set forth by mfp daily so that your body can recover properly from exercise and drop the bad weekend habit.
  • hoveyhj
    hoveyhj Posts: 1
    One way even though its really hard, is doing the 17 day diet plan. I was on it for a week and i lost 7 lbs. It was to hard for me to maintain right now and expensive fpr food. I have found more than the calorie count you need to have less carbs. I droped my carbs to about 60 a day or less. I am now loseing about 2lbs a week and I'm not excerising. I need to start... But thats what i have found helpful, since i have been way under my calories and still didnt loss weight. I guess i was eating to much bread and pasta. Good luck!
  • heididw
    heididw Posts: 16 Member
    I have found that the best results come when I eat more on the days I exercise, fuelling my body on the day, before or just after exercise. When I don't eat enough on the days I exercise, my body goes into 'starvation mode' for the rest of the week and I usually stay the same weight or even gain some.

    I hope that helps :flowerforyou:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    fad diets are not a good idea, end of story, 99% of all those who drop weight on these stupid plans gain it all back afterward, look for a healthy lifestyle to make it a permanent thing.
  • Jazzpope
    Jazzpope Posts: 4
    Thanks everyone !! a normal day for me is 3 weetabix skimmed milk, with fruit/raisins lunch is usually a low fat wrap or lots of fruit and snack a jacks, and dinner is stir frys, salads and usualy have weight watchers deserts and sometimes a few chocolates, a few years back i sufferd an eating disorder but now i find it impossible to lose anything !!! :-( thanks for all the help will keep trying might start jogging too!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    try eating back all of your exercise calories for a week see what happens.
  • Jazzpope
    Jazzpope Posts: 4
    but wouldnt i gain weight from doing that?
  • flexylegs01
    Hey I'm Emma and am obsessed with my weight!!!
    I'm 5ft 9.5 and weigh 57kg i managed to get down to my goal weight but now feel as though i want to keep going i want to reach 8 stone 5 exactly but is this bad? People are worried but i dont think i look thin!! I workout 5 or 6 days a week and still feel like i need to lose weight.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    no, when you joined up with mfp they gave you a daily caloric goal to shed that weight, so the deficit needed to shed that weight is automatically built in you just do not see it. The reason they say eat back the calories is to maintain that weight loss goal. I am living proof of that and that it works. My weight loss is set to 1 lb/wk. I eat 1940 cals a day based on mfp numbers and I eat back every single exercise cals, 100 days in 31 pounds gone, never hit a plateau and never ever failed to lose weight. So for you lets say they gave you 1200 cals a day. This is already 500 less per day than what you need without any exercise. So in essence if you workout and eat back all the cals so that your net is 1200 cals a day you are still 500 short of what you need to maintain your current weight. That will mean eating more than you are used to eating, so enjoy it. Eat, live, feed your body and you will shed fat if you stick to what mfp gives you.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    but wouldnt i gain weight from doing that?

    Not necessarily. When you enter your height/weight/goals in MFP - it automatically sets up so that even if you don't exercise, you are BURNING more than you are consuming if you stay within calorie limits. When you exercise - you burn even more - and if you don't stay right around the limit MFP has set for you - you can put your body into starvation mode which makes it even more difficult to lose weight.
  • Jazzpope
    Jazzpope Posts: 4
    for your height i would probably say that is a little thin taller people should be alot heavier! but im obsessed with weight i am probably the wrong person to ask im 5 ft 2/3 ish and my lowest weight was about 6 stone! which was awful! i think i look like i weigh more than what i do my ideal weight is slightly under 8 stone but im quite short!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Good things come in small packages lol, I am currently 167.6 pounds, and at 10% bodyfat I will theoretically be 158 but chances are by that time I hit 10% I would be closer to around 162ish. My goal number 1 is 10% or 158 whichever comes first, goal 2 is to put muscle on and get back to where I like my weight which is around 175 ish. My goals are ever evolving and ever changing as I reach or near my goals. It sounds like you may have a borderline body dysmorphic syndrome where you are seeing yourself differently than what others see you as. Even at your height that is not a bad weight to be by any means. You do need to learn the healthy way to approach this though which is why I recommend Tom Venuto's book called Burn the fat feed the muscle.