if you're running further than 6 miles, then I'd suggest an alternative to the Nike Free's. those mimic minimalistic running
sure. I'm a pretty friendly person!
I'll add you as a friend. you got this!
mastered the art of selfie.
Hi have just learned a very important running lesson, and that's no 2 runs are ever the same. Sometimes we have great runs, and sometimes, for no rhyme nor reason, we have bad ones. what's important is you stick at it and keep going! Try not to eat an hour or so before you run, and trust on your training. Once…
hot. everybody in here is hot!
lol..there you go!
Play nice. everybody is hot.
Hot. Ugly is limited by the pollution of one's soul.
Coming form the UK it never ceases to amaze me what Americans are quiet happy to call and pass off as "Beer"...
I have clocked "defender"….thats a proper video game!
never stop smiling
very sound advice:-)
don't worry about your pace…speed comes with the more miles you run. instead, focus on finishing the distance you want to run at a comfortable pace where running is a pleasure…everything else will fall into place!
Next Superbowl champions…San Francisco 49ers. My deepest sympathies to Denver Bronco fans for being the biggest laughing stock in the history of the Super Bowl.
attractive lady.
I'd rather eat a banana than a banana substitute tablet. for real.
you are my hero.
Sammy, you need to make friends with my friend Sarah C Smith. Pm me and I'll arrange it. She went from Halfs to Fulls to Ultras in a YEAR. And when I mean ultras, I mean 50 milers, not 50k.
I went from couch to marathon runner in a year and dropped 80+ lbs in the process on an entirely vegetarian diet ( meaning no fish, which in no universe should be considered a vegetable). You don't need to eat meat to be a long distance runner, but you can also choose to eat it if you wish.
we don't live in the stone ages any more, grocery stores are everywhere these days. but by all means go camo yourself up, get some buddies, get drunk in the woods and shoot animals with sniper rifles from 10 feet if that satisfies your need to eat.
the wire…and friday night lights
im a vegetarian/vegan curious runner. carbs and Protein? YES PLEASE. Awesome share..thank you.
Life long veggie here too..never even tasted meat or fish..and I avoid eggs too. please feel free to add me.
1. Chased by a bull elephant and bitten by a mamba in Kenya ( same week, I was only 12) 2.Furthest registered 49ers season ticket holder from San Francisco 3.Wrecked every single red colour car I have ever driven
Huge congratulations on our first marathon!
you are 19 and attracted to men who are up tp 60? go for it.
lol im 48