AdriGirl Member


  • I use my WII Fit for a couple of things, I use it with the Wii Active 2 from EA Sports, you can find them used. I don't recommend the Wii Active 1, just the 2. Then you can use the Wii Board for Step (I picked up a stand for the board), and there are a few other exercises that it will go with. I use it to track my weight,…
  • When I find that I am board with my usual snacks, I add in something with more flavor, a tart apple, a sharp cheese, or spicy nuts.
  • Yes, I can see a difference. I really noticed a difference in your back. Your doing good! I have been taking weekly photos of myself, and I have yet to have enough courage to post them anywhere, but I showed my parents this last week and they noticed bigger a difference then I did between the first photo (week 2) and week…
  • Those are the best moments! Way to go!
  • I don't own a bathroom scale. I only weigh once to twice a week, and I use the Wii Fit Balance Board. It logs it for me I can set my goals, and its part of my workout routine. I made sure when I started working out to set up routines to track progress, so on workout #1 of the week = I take and record measurements, on…
  • Keep a little notebook of what you ate, make your best guess judgement at portion control, and log it when you get back. I bet you'll do great!i
  • I can get hung up on the flavor... "it will never taste this good again" and keep eating it. So, often times my husband and I share a plate. If my husband isn't in a sharing mood, I cut things in half and eat till the line. If I am still wanting to eat after the line I will take a break, drink water etc.. then come back to…
  • I used to drink a lot of Coke (regular) a day, I cut it out, and didn't loose a pound. So everyone is different. Once I started drinking more water, I added back in a Coke once and while. Now, I usually have a can in my lunch, which I only drink half of, but I make it a habit to keep water at my desk, and only drink a soda…
  • Green Enchilada's filled with Chicken, Spinach and Onion.
  • Bad weeks-weekends happen. Life happens. Don't let the scale worry you so much, weigh yourself and keep motivated. I had two weeks of weighing the same (prior to finding this site) and I was discouraged, but if I didn't keep I trying I knew nothing would change. Don't let the number on the scale get to you to much, just…
  • I finally discovered that working out during the week is just not going to happen. I finally came up with a work out schedule that worked for me. I work out Friday evenings, Saturday mornings (because if I squeeze it in before the day gets going I get it done, and can have fun and I don't get up super early to do it),…