

  • Right??? What happened to those days???? The days where a phone was used to call and ONLY call. LOL :)
  • Its the best feeling in the world isnt it?? I understand where you are coming from which is why when losing weight, I shop at places like discovery and Forever 21....the clothes are cheap and you have no guilt about buying them and tossing them or storing them for future reference.
  • hahahahahaha!!!!
  • The pants I'm wearing...I havent been able to fit into them in years!!!! :bigsmile:
  • I have faith in you! You can do this!!! This biggest mistake everyone makes is setting one goal. Set many small goals and I think that will help you NOT give up! Make a schedule and stick to it. Make the gym your second job. Make a chart of your weight loss and color in the lost lbs every week you weigh yourself. Start…
  • Are you incorporating weights into your workout? Are you drinking any protein shakes? After your workout you should consume protein within 45 minutes. Otherwise your body goes into shutdown mode. How is your sodium and sugar intake? Cut out your sodium and replace with Mrs. Dash or a fresh hot peppers. Drink lots of water!…
  • You can go into your goals and manually change them. My calorie goals are at 1200 but they change day to day because of my excersize. So far since I have started using this site and documenting everything, I broke thru my platuea and lost 8 more lbs. The scale didn't move for over a month and a half before. It's very…