

  • I started a couple weeks back... got through 4 days. The first three days I was so very sore in my arms and legs I could hardly move and had to force myself to do day 4. Then I went out of town for a week and I fell off the wagon. I restarted it this week, but I have decided to switch to doing it every other day instead of…
  • I gave it a test run for about 4 days last week. I'm ready to get serious and give it the full go! I'm in!
  • I decided to suck it up and do it... with 3 lb weights. To my utter shock, as sore as my arms were, I was able to do more (and better) push ups than I could on days 1 and 2.
  • My legs are sore, but feel better the more I move around. My arms, however, I can't even fully straighten. They hurt so bad. I've been using 5 lb dumb bells. Is that too much? I'm trying to decide whether it would be better to take a rest day or just use lighter weights and trudge on.
  • I know how you could lose 150-200+ lbs real fast... get rid of that guy. In all seriousness, what a douche. Don't quit. Keep at it, FOR YOURSELF. If he can't be supportive, loving, and encouraging tell him to zip it or send him packing.
  • I have and use both of these items daily. In answer to your questions: 1. I wear the Loop 24/7. I wear the HR monitor only during workouts. If you wear the HR monitor 24/7 you will kill the battery in no time. The loop is water resistant and you can wear it in the shower (and while swimming). I choose to take mine off and…
  • Excuse my ignorance... what is Tone It Up?
  • I play on two different co-ed slow pitch softball teams and usually wear my heart rate monitor during games. I play catcher, so I am moving throughout most of the game. In an hour+ long game I usually burn between 600-700 calories. It varies depending on how many hits I get. I'm 36, 5'3", and 159 lbs. Hope that helps some!
  • I'm 5'3. Starting weight was 165. Current weight is 159. I'd like to get down to 125-130. I've been working out 5x a week and eating better for the last three months, but not seeing much progress on the scale and only modest improvement shows with the measuring tape. I'm starting to get discouraged and question whether I…
  • I have a Polar Loop activity tracker and a Polar H7 Heart Rate Monitor. The loop tracks my activities and sleep 24/7 and the heart rate monitor is worn (and synced with the loop) during workouts. Both are the best fitness purchase I could have ever made. They really help keep me motivated and the data they provide when you…
  • I meant eating 1000 extra calories at the end of the day after logging everything in. Like I get home from a softball game, log it in and at 10:00 at night it's telling me to eat 1000 more calories. I just couldn't, unless I went to McD's or something and got something terrible for me. Perhaps this is just poor planning on…
  • Yes, I am using a heart rate monitor and my "walking" is at such a pace that I can't carry on a conversation while doing it. I sweat heavily and get very flushed. Softball, I play catcher so I am moving throughout the game. On a day where I work out and play softball my heart rate monitor is telling me I burn about 475…
  • I decided to try upping my daily calories to 1440 which puts me at a 500 calorie deficit. We'll see what that does.
  • I have read that post several times. I think I have a basic understanding of it, but when math equations start getting thrown around, I get confused. I'm 5'3" tall. I started at 165 lbs, currently weigh 160 lbs. I'd like to get down to 125-130 lbs. I set my activity level without work outs at lightly active, and a goal of…
  • Anyone willing to look at my diary and critique? I'm open to advice and suggestions. I just feel like I should have lost more than 5 pounds after 3+ months of busting my *kitten* five days a week. :/
  • I have a Polar Loop and a Polar H7 Heart Rate Monitor. Best "fitness" purchase I've ever made. They really motivate me to be more active and the data they provide is very valuable for keeping me on target.