30 Day Shred Motivation... Or lack thereof.

Today is day three for my 30 Day Shred. My body just hurts everywhere and I'm dreading today's workout. Please tell me it gets better/more tolerable/worthwhile. I don't feel like doing anything today but I know if I don't I will feel so guilty. :(


  • AKfierce
    AKfierce Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't done 30 day shred but I'm in the middle of p90x and believe me I have had plenty of days like that. It's best to listen to your body. If its just general soreness and fatigue from working out then BOOYA HONEY its working ;) I know its wicked hard but if I just suck it up and put in the dvd and push play i tend to feel waaaay better. And when the dvd is over I almost feel like a rock star because I didn't give in (in your face old lazy me!!) That being said, if your like in vast amounts of pain and the thought of moving just to get a sip of water is enough to make you cry then there is no shame in taking a day off. I used to HATE myself when I took an unplanned day off and punish myself all week but that never did me any good! Rest is good when you need it. It can be helpful to avoid injury and end up having to take days or even weeks off.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    just get dressed to work out. I find that if i can just get ready for the gym or a home workout I will be more likely to just get it done.

    If I can come up with an excuse (my workout clothes are all the way upstairs...*whine*) I won't do it.
  • 2xMommaYork
    My legs are sore, but feel better the more I move around. My arms, however, I can't even fully straighten. They hurt so bad. I've been using 5 lb dumb bells. Is that too much? I'm trying to decide whether it would be better to take a rest day or just use lighter weights and trudge on.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    If you're hurting, you should take a rest day. I believe that Jillian Michaels has stated that the program is not intended to be done for thirty consecutive days. Rest days are important.
  • Bananafish06
    Bananafish06 Posts: 13 Member
    I agree that taking a rest is probably the best thing. Without it your muscles will have a hard time recovering. A trainer I know once advised me against doing high intensity workouts more than 5 days a week so that your body gets a chance to recover. He also recommended alternating workouts so that you're not overworking the same muscles day after day. I've been doing the 30 day shred too, but I'm alternating it with jogging every other day (doing the C25K program) and taking two days a week off. The way I have it set up is that one week I'll do one workout 3 times and the other twice. Then the next week the reverse is true. It's been challenging, but I'm not overly sore and it's been doable.
  • cew3028
    cew3028 Posts: 32
    I have completed the 30 day shred workouts before and have restarted recently. I suggest starting with 3 lb weights. Yes they are light but it gave my body a hard workout and allowed me to work into more weight. Yes, it gets better as you go but you have to stick with it. I do 6 days a week. 7 was too much for me. Good luck!!
  • 2xMommaYork
    I decided to suck it up and do it... with 3 lb weights. To my utter shock, as sore as my arms were, I was able to do more (and better) push ups than I could on days 1 and 2.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    It gets better! I did the 30 day shred with fantastic results in the end! Just keep at it!
  • msflynnbly
    msflynnbly Posts: 46 Member
    Am on day 6 of level 1 and although ive done shred in the past my arms and shoulders have only just got over press ups and the squats with the shoulder presses. I actuallu swear when I get to the end of the second lot!
  • BusyCyclist
    BusyCyclist Posts: 41 Member
    I know rest days are recommended with other exercises, but I am a little worried that if I take a day off today, I won't start again. So I'm doing the 30 DS in 31 day ;-) I had to take one day off, because I was visiting family.
    I'm 26 days in and I still sweat a lot every time, I've had a shoulder injury and a pulled muscle in my thigh. But it's only 25 min every day, so I just do it. The results are so worth it! I don't think you really need to take days off.
  • gata1986
    gata1986 Posts: 2
    I'm on day three too!!! I hurt EVERYWHERE. My arms feel like they've been used as a punch bag, I can't sit down without groaning at the pain in my legs, and I am also dreading tomorrow! BUT. On day one, I managed 8 minutes before giving up. Day two I did 17 minutes. Today, I completed the whole thing. So it does get easier, it has to!! Feel free to add me,we can fight that evil woman together :D
  • ConnorS879
    ConnorS879 Posts: 47 Member
    Yeah you'll get used to it, your body will jus take a week or so to adapt :)