

  • it was an almost cup size lose lol. Instead of my 36DDD....I'm now better fitting in my 36DD. Anywho....I'm not here to really talk about the girls but I'm super happy to announce that I've officially lost an inch off of each of my arms! WOO!! My arms and my waist are my two most hated areas at the moment so the…
    in CRY! Comment by megan145 June 2009
  • OH! CONGRATS! I'm so proud of you! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: You totally rock!!
  • hmm....never thought of back fat I don't feel so bad lol
    in CRY! Comment by megan145 May 2009
  • I also have all of the exercises unlocked. I kind of liked posting up our scores to compare and improve on.
  • Ok guys! Good to finally hear back from some of you lol I was beginning to get worried! For all of the old challengers and for anyone new that wants to join the new session (and I'm sure joeysmuse will start a new thread) starts on the 22nd. I'm not sure what we'll be doing but we just did aerobics so...yeah. I made my…
  • It's actually the second thread on this forum and we are starting a brand new challenge on the 22nd. You're very welcome to join if you want! :happy:
  • :sad: :brokenheart: :sad: :cry:
  • come on guys! Where is everyone?!?
  • Our new challenge will start on the 22nd and you are very welcome to join. I'm not sure which section we will be doing, Joeysmuse will let us know. We just did aerobics so it will be one of the 3 other workout sections (crosses fingers "yoga yoga yoga" lol).
  • This is for yesterday and I just realized I put today's date when I updated my signature this morning =P Ok! 10 min hula: 3423 20 min step: 3208 Adv Step: 601 Long Run: 295% How are the rest of you doing?
  • ok guys! time to regroup!!! Where is everyone?!? I know Joeysmuse has been ill. Let's get back on that horse guys...less than a week left and we start a new section of the challenge! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • thanks :smile: it"ll be a couple of weeks before the site is functional.
  • thanks :D my whole goal with this website is to get people to be more active with their pets not only for the health benefits but also for the fact that most dogs in shelters are there for behavioral issues due to boredom and lack of exercise.
  • Hey guys! I'm starting a new website on tips for having a healthy dog. (that's what I do for a living...helping people have healthy, happy pets) but I was wondering what things any of you might want to see in such a website. I'm also looking for "models". People and their dogs doing activities together. If anyone is…
  • CONGRATS!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Cheer, that is a beautiful tattoo :heart:
  • I LOVE bats! My favorites are the Egyptian Fruit Bats and Mindoro Striped Fruit Bats How cute is this face?!?
  • One of my treats to hit my goal weight is to get my spine done and I thought I'd share my other 3 and see who else on MFP has tats :bigsmile: This is a Blue Man kiss :smooched: from seeing the show about 10 times out here in Vegas and getting me some Blue Man love. It's on my shoulder blade This is the design from my lower…
  • I'm back and better than ever! hehehehe yay! 10 Minute Hula: 3437 <--personal best Adv Step: 609<--- personal best Long Run: 295% <--personal best 20 Minute Step: 2345 I hope everyone else is doing ok and that everyone is well. It almost hit 100 degrees in Vegas today and I'm waiting until the sun goes down to take Gypsie…
  • congrats congrats!! I also (just today) slipped into my size 12s :bigsmile: :bigsmile: A month ago I was in a tight 14 and for a hoot today I grabbed my size 12s (which used to be WAY too small) and a was shocked when they just slipped right on! *dances*
    in Size 12! Comment by megan145 May 2009
  • I love my Wii and Wii Fit :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: I love all the action in playing the games and God knows my flabby arms need the exercise lol :laugh:
  • Woohoo! kickin' some serious butt on that advanced step! I'm going to try and do wii fit tonight. I think my fever has gone down. I don't feel as icky today and my throat doesn't hurt anymore.
  • believe me i'm not sure how the game calculates these percentages but I just jog at a moderate pace and I try to keep it as steady as possible. I just do one pace all the way through and it's not about speed. I've tried RUNNING thinking that there might be a time element to the score but I ended up getting 40% lol.
    in it figures Comment by megan145 May 2009
  • well...i was on a roll....working out...eating right and the pounds slowly coming off. now I'm sick! Sore throat and a fever....i don't want to eat or drink anything. I'm hoping this doesn't hurt me too much. *sigh* Where is my orange juice?
    in it figures Comment by megan145 May 2009
  • Hey guys...I'm super sore today due the Billy Blank's Ulitimate Bootcamp that I tried...ugh lol But here are my scores Adv step: 593 20 min step: 2306 Long Run: 213% 10 min hula: 3307 Have a great day!
  • I'm 5 days behind but I finally hit my first mini goal of 179lbs. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm so just hit under 180 is just awesome. Next mini goal June 1st 169lbs
  • lol my friend John emailed me and said "stop whining and go workout!" lol nice kick in the pants!
  • thanks guy :ohwell: I reviewed my food journal and it looks like I haven't been getting nearly enough protein this last week...and I know I haven't been getting the right amount of fresh fruits and veggies. That could be my major problem. I just did 55 minutes of Billy Blanks Ultimate Bootcamp....kicked my butt! lol Now…
  • Normally by this time I would have given up and gone back to my bad eating habits and less than active lifestyle. I get really frustrated when I don't see daily progress. *sigh* and the last two days I've really had my doubts (today has been very bad...I ate well...and did a quick morning jog before work...but....I feel…
  • I love my wii fit....I used it this morning infact. =) I've lost 9lbs since I started using it thanks to all of my Wii Fit Challenge buddies :bigsmile:
    in wii fit Comment by megan145 May 2009