starting a new website and I need some input

megan145 Posts: 67
Hey guys! I'm starting a new website on tips for having a healthy dog. (that's what I do for a living...helping people have healthy, happy pets) but I was wondering what things any of you might want to see in such a website.

I'm also looking for "models". People and their dogs doing activities together. If anyone is interested just send me a photo of you and your pooch, your first name, your pet's name and the state you live in (but no other personal information please).

It's just going to be a free website to get people more involved with their fitness and the fitness of their pup(s).

Thanks guys!

[url] [/url]


  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    Hey guys! I'm starting a new website on tips for having a healthy dog. (that's what I do for a living...helping people have healthy, happy pets) but I was wondering what things any of you might want to see in such a website.

    I'm also looking for "models". People and their dogs doing activities together. If anyone is interested just send me a photo of you and your pooch, your first name, your pet's name and the state you live in (but no other personal information please).

    It's just going to be a free website to get people more involved with their fitness and the fitness of their pup(s).

    Thanks guys!

    [url] [/url]
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    what a great idea! good luck with this. :drinker:

    i run a cat rescue and we are always putting up info for people regarding health among other things. we usually just post links to articles, but then again it is not a 'healthy cat' site, its a rescue site.

    PM me if you have any questions...
  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    thanks :D my whole goal with this website is to get people to be more active with their pets not only for the health benefits but also for the fact that most dogs in shelters are there for behavioral issues due to boredom and lack of exercise.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    lol, awesome, we have a Pembroke Welch Corgi named Zack and we live in Massachusetts. Here is a picture of me and him together:


    This was right before I ran a 5K race last spring.

    The dog behind me is my brother's Jack Russel female named Molly Anne. Zack and Molly grew up together (we lived in a 2 family together for 5 years) but now we have our own house. They still see each other almost every day though (we only live a few streets down).

    I can get tons more pictures of them if you want more. Here is a cool one we took of them at a halloween party we had a few years ago.

  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    thanks :smile:

    it"ll be a couple of weeks before the site is functional.