Wii Fit Challange



  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    Hey guys...I'm super sore today due the Billy Blank's Ulitimate Bootcamp that I tried...ugh lol

    But here are my scores

    Adv step: 593
    20 min step: 2306
    Long Run: 213%
    10 min hula: 3307

    Have a great day!
  • ktduitsman
    ktduitsman Posts: 20 Member
    So...I was thinking of buying the wii fit, do you guys think it is worth it? Are you starting to see results?
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    If you have the time to do it and are vigilant about doing so it's well worth the money. This is the only exercise I get and I have lost 14 lbs and get quite a work out. This is over 3 weeks. I also monitor my caloric intake and am trying to loose slowly so I don't gain it back like i have done many times over the last 18 years. I like it alot! It's not hard on my knees or back and I have always had a hard time with them. When the workout you get from Wii Fit starts to seem easy... add some ankle weights. Makes a bog difference.

    I hear there are other workout "games" That are pretty good and will put you through the ringer but I don't know first hand. I would rent them for a couple days before I spend upwards of $50 on one.
  • CCEE
    CCEE Posts: 2
    Thanks for your reply, infact I only unlocked the free step this evening:laugh: I only got my WII on Saturday, so just a Learner and I :love: it! When I have got use to it, and my scores are something that are not too embarssing, I will join in the challenge, perhaps this time next year :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    Thanks for your reply, infact I only unlocked the free step this evening:laugh: I only got my WII on Saturday, so just a Learner and I :love: it! When I have got use to it, and my scores are something that are not too embarssing, I will join in the challenge, perhaps this time next year :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Don't be embarrased about your scores. We all started at some point and had low scores. Just do it at your own pace. do it twith us... that's what makes it fun. if you start doing it you can look back and see the changes. you'll do great!!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    So I had a really rough weekend and didn't do anything this weekend. Yesterday we had a softball game and I played the whole game. We RAN so much!! So I got back on the horse this evening and here are my scores.......

    Advanced step 610
    Free step 2118
    Hula hoop 3249
    Long run 87%

    I was so mad at the long run. I ran faster than I have before and my rate went down!!! WTH!!! Then instead of eating the ice cream I wanted so bad, I had a light yogurt and water!!!:love: Go Me!!!! I was so proud of myself!!

    When do we change exercises? I just want to make sure I don't miss it! I love this challenge!!!!!
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    We'll change the Exercises Monthly. Next change is May 22nd. So it's not far away.

    Way to go on making the right choice!!! That's GREAT!! I understand how hard it is to make the right choices. I LOVE Ice Cream! Always have ALWAYS WILL!! If you just HAVE to have it, as I do sometimes, try skinny cow, or something like that, ice cream sandwiches. 100 calories each and they are very tasty!! just don't eat the whole box. it's 600 calories.

    My Hubby is going to school and his class sells Ice cream every friday and I have to support hubby. So, our son and I will be visiting his school every friday for icecream and I pray I will have the will power to have only a few licks of his cone, what doesn't end up on the floor anyway. he's only one.

    Don't worry about your scores. Just doing it is what you want! Show's you have the will power to make the right choices. Think about all the people that have the same set up we have and it collects dust. Just remember to keep the remote close to your body.
  • jyynnie
    jyynnie Posts: 10 Member
    Advanced Step 517
    Free Step 2690
    Hula Hoop 3450
    Long Run 88%
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    long run
    free step 20 minutes
    advanced step
    638 my best yet!!
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----3027
    1 hr 31 min
  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    long run
    free step 20 minutes
    advanced step
    638 my best yet!!
    hula hoop 10 minutes ----3027
    1 hr 31 min

    Woohoo! kickin' some serious butt on that advanced step! I'm going to try and do wii fit tonight. I think my fever has gone down. I don't feel as icky today and my throat doesn't hurt anymore.
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    I did it with my 30 pound son on my back too. Seems the only way I can exercise anymore is with him in his carrier. Doesn't he realize how heavy he is...... I think it slowed me down just enough to get perfect on most of it.

    Hope you feel better. Being sick sucks!! With this piggy flu thing I am worried to take my 13 month old out of the house. Last thing I want is for him to get very sick. their haven't been reports of it in my county yet but there have been some in the adjacent counties. You know how it goes... some one knows someone else who knows someone else.
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    numbers for 5-6-09
    Advanced step 645 (Best ever!!)
    Hula Hoop 3122
    Long Run 186% (Again, Best ever!!)
    Free step 2262

    Total time 41 Minutes

    I did some more wii activities after that, but forgot to see how long. That was a great workout!! No daughter trying to "help" me!
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    Look at you go!! Wish my helper wasn't trying to help. I have to stop and start sometimes... or just yell at daddy to get him.
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    Look at you go!! Wish my helper wasn't trying to help. I have to stop and start sometimes... or just yell at daddy to get him.

    Yeah, she's really not helping!! LOL. I love that she is learning to work out, (she's only 2), and learning good habits early so she doesn't end up like me, but it is really hard when I am alone with her and trying to work out. I do have to start and stop a lot!
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    When I am doing the running portion of it My son likes to stand on the board. and I always leave it out for about 30 minutes after and he stands on it and dances around like he's doing the hulla hoop. My Dogs like to lay their head on it too. I don't know what it is about that board but they seem to love it!
  • joeysmuse
    joeysmuse Posts: 87
    Ok so I haven't done it in 2 days. Yesterday I Steam cleaned the bedroom carpet. and it's that short loop crap that you have to do by hand so I was on my hands and knees, or bent over cleaning and sweating horribly. I think I put more sweat on the carpet than cleaning solution. I apparently really worked my arms and tosh and legs and abs. They are all so sore today my hubby said "NO WORKING OUT! YOU HAVE TO LET YOUR MUSCLES HEAL A LITTLE!" Blaaah! But he has a point. I am so sore I REALLY feel it when I bend over. and yes I have to do it alot to clean up after my tornado of a child. (boy, i can't wait till he learns to clean up too) But tomorrow I will be back to the board and posting results once again.

    How is every one else doing?
  • megan145
    megan145 Posts: 67
    I'm back and better than ever! hehehehe yay!

    10 Minute Hula: 3437 <--personal best
    Adv Step: 609<--- personal best
    Long Run: 295% <--personal best
    20 Minute Step: 2345

    I hope everyone else is doing ok and that everyone is well. It almost hit 100 degrees in Vegas today and I'm waiting until the sun goes down to take Gypsie for a jog....but I'm really trying to burn some calories and get my metabolism jump started....I went up 2 lbs while I was sick. I hope that it's mostly water weight. I didn't eat bad while I was out....I just didn't get all my fluids and of course wasn't exercising.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I am thinking about asking for a Wii from my honey for my birthday. Do you burn alot of cals??????? IT looks fun and then I noticed that the EA Sports comes out on my birthday too.....can yall give me some insight on what sort of cals/exercise yall are getting. We are on a really tight budget and if you all think I would be better off without the Wii your input would be appreciated.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I am thinking about asking for a Wii from my honey for my birthday. Do you burn alot of cals??????? IT looks fun and then I noticed that the EA Sports comes out on my birthday too.....can yall give me some insight on what sort of cals/exercise yall are getting. We are on a really tight budget and if you all think I would be better off without the Wii your input would be appreciated.

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
    I can butn about 500 calories in about an hour according to my Heart Rate Monitor. I really like it and it keeps track of pounds and BMI. I love seeing the chart go down!! Very motivating!
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    I'm back and better than ever! hehehehe yay!

    10 Minute Hula: 3437 <--personal best
    Adv Step: 609<--- personal best
    Long Run: 295% <--personal best
    20 Minute Step: 2345

    I hope everyone else is doing ok and that everyone is well. It almost hit 100 degrees in Vegas today and I'm waiting until the sun goes down to take Gypsie for a jog....but I'm really trying to burn some calories and get my metabolism jump started....I went up 2 lbs while I was sick. I hope that it's mostly water weight. I didn't eat bad while I was out....I just didn't get all my fluids and of course wasn't exercising.

    295%!!!!!! That's amazing!! Awesome job on all your personal best's!!! Keep it up Rockstar!!!
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