

  • Welcome! I'm from WI too! :)
  • Wow... I am loving this website more and more everyday...!!!! Thank you EVERYBODY for the responses! A lot of great ideas... and all stuff I'm capable of and am willing to try... And for the not so appetizing veggies.... that's why I asked for (and got!) a food processor for Christmas this year! :)
  • Hey! I do Turbo Jam and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! It kicks my butt but I really like Chalene Johnson.... plus the music is good and the workout seriously flies by... I had never done a workout video before and started Turbo Jam a couple months ago... I strongly reccomend it... I feel better and think I look better but it helps…
  • I would love to join... however I injured my back this past Saturday so won't be doing much of ANY moving... let me know when it starts though... unless this turns out to be something more serious then I think (I'm thinking pinched nerve... ice and Advil should do the trick!)... I'm set to start exercising again on…
  • I just started on this website and have 1 friend whose a coworker... I'll add you too! :) I need to surround myself with people that have similar goals to mine... I've learned that for me, it's the best way to keep me focused on my goals... which is to lose 25 lbs.