Just started

Hi all. I'm 30 years old looking to lose my baby weight (and then some). My son will be two in April and I finally found the motivation to get down to at least my pre pregnancy weight. I've been doing workout videos but decided to count calories because apparently I was still eating too much despite working out. That's what my scale told me anyways ;) anyone have some videos they really like doing? What about turbo jam?

Feel free to follow me and we can push each other along! Happy weight shredding!


  • alyssa83202
    I'm really loving 30 Day Shred by Jillian Micheals! It's hard at first, but very doable for a beginner! I just started at the end of December, and I hated the video the first time I did it, but every time I do it now it's more enjoyable and I can already tell a big difference in my stamina and endurance! The DVD is only about $10 and you can buy the mat and weight set for $15!
  • kctj0815

    I do Turbo Jam and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

    It kicks my butt but I really like Chalene Johnson.... plus the music is good and the workout seriously flies by... I had never done a workout video before and started Turbo Jam a couple months ago... I strongly reccomend it... I feel better and think I look better but it helps that a lot of my friends and family have commented on how much better I look too.... always motivating! :)

    Chalene has made a couple of other workout videos as well... I turn 29 next month and have asked for Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme as a gift!
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    How do you get your goals in green writing???
    Never mind...I figured it out...LOL
  • hjollyrn
    hjollyrn Posts: 208 Member
    thanks. maybe I will invest in turbo jam and try it. It's easier for me to workout in my basement rather than going to the gym, just because of my child. I also started out with 30 Day Shred and wanted to die! Now I really push myself and feel pretty good when I'm done. I've also been doing Jillians Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. It's a 40 min. workout and that one still kicks my *kitten*!