

  • WOW congrats...if you believe you will do give it your all and good luck
  • Yes finished butt and arms are sore but iam okay with that. Hope everyone is doing great...27 more days peeps. WE GO THIS!!!
  • Day 2L1 completed....oh man iam goona try to get my workouts in the morning cause its hard to do it later in the day...i kept coming up with reasons why i should wait till later till i got too 11:35pm when i finally forced myself to get up. So happy the kids are back to school tomorrow, hoping to do it once they leave and…
  • I know its late but wanted to say...YES i was able to do yesterdays workout...but man was it hard. Had a lot of house cleaning to do and when i finished the lastthing iw anted to do was excercise and face Jillain but i forced myself after taking a 2H break. Was to tired to take measurements but i will today and post it…
  • Hope Iam not to late for this but would love to join...Like others have said i have started this DVD many tiems but always stop due to knee pain but i hope this time will be different. I'll just have to be extra careful this time with my knee placements. Not sure of my weight cause i think my scale is wrong so i will post…
  • Well no since i don't take anything before the workout. I should probably take Aleve before i start the workout and see how it goes. Thanks and you too MrsCon :)
  • I love the zumba class at my gym.....the instructer is so good..and i love the music they play while dancing. i burned about 550cal in a 1 hour class but it went so fast that i didn't notice the time.
  • i will like to join.I don't know how many times istarted this dvd only to stop. I promise myself this time i will finish it. I will be doing this Dvd long with 2 weeks turn around and see what happens.
  • Thanks everyone. It really does get in the way. I'll probably see a doc and hope it ain't anything serious.I did get some pills meant for joint pain so i hope that helps as well.
  • Thanks Tracy lol. I have the book and have to say the food looks great and it doesn't seem that hard. I just want to know if it actually does what it says it does which is lose weight.
  • These are all good advice so thank you. I agree about that if you don't lose something one week don't stop cause you never know what the scale will say the next week. I let the scale not showing any changes disappoint me to the point of just giving up only to start all over again and let me tell you its HARD!!
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