I was wondering if anyone here has done a cleanse that has worked. I've been trying to start this losing weight thing and just haven't gotten the hang of it just yet but want to start fresh. I want to do the cleanse cause i really want to clean my body from the inside and have a fresh start. Iam not doing it to lose weight…
does anyone get this during the exercise? i never get to finish it cause the pain is just to much and it last for days. If you have had this happen to you what have you done to lessen the pain. Thanks
So i have a PF4 and when i excerise it say my iam in the zone between 127-169, so my question is to really be burning good calories and building muscle were chould i be between those number's. Thanks.
Okay so i started working out and it was going great for a few days....i was on the high you get when you start something new. Then out of nowhere my knee's start to hurt really bad, the only time they don't hurt is when iam walking or laying down. If iam doing lungs, squats...anything that needs my knees to bend just hurt…
Has anyone gotten this book and if so what did you think of it. I just purchased it and haven't started making anything in it yet but just wanted to know what others thought of it.