Target Heart Rate?

So i have a PF4 and when i excerise it say my iam in the zone between 127-169, so my question is to really be burning good calories and building muscle were chould i be between those number's. Thanks.


  • cupfanncbms
    cupfanncbms Posts: 101
    Jillian Michaels says 85%. This is 220 minus your age, times .85.

    Mine is 157, according to her. 220-35=185x.85=157.
  • ramius
    ramius Posts: 91
    To find out the exact zones for you.. you would need to get a VO2max test done -- this will tell you what your different zones are for you specifically and then you can make sure you're training in the right one..
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    but my zone high is about 153 i think.... but when i'm working hard in a spin class i get to 170, and it feels good, it's gotta be good doesn't it? yesterday i hit 179, i was going crazy, and i felt great afterwards. i don't want to hold back when i can go crazy and drive it through the roof.