

  • Should have reread my post before I sent it. I meant to say, I have been there too, not two...
  • Congrats on the weight loss so far:) I have been there two and it has cost me. A few years ago, I got to my first goal and felt great. Was told I looked great, it was summer and I felt good. Then I thought I would just maintain for a while and eventually I gained back about 12 pounds :( I started working on fitness and…
  • Ok, I read the whole thing and am still going with eating between meals. However, my snacks involve fruit, vegetables and other healthy choices, not junk. The paragraph below is from the article and I think it explains more why people who snack have the problems mentioned in the article, far better than the large versus…
  • There is a product called PGX Daily. They don't make outrageous claims. What they claim to do is to "promote healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels and reduce the appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness." You start with one capsule with at least one glass of water 30 minutes before eating. I find that they help.…
  • Check out this website. You should eat before and after exercise, both to fuel you and aid in recover. This website says it better than I.
  • I'm from Toronto, Ontario and have been using this programme for a few weeks, paired with fitbit. I'm still learning all the ways that this programme can help.
  • Hi, I don't know what you are eating, but I do know what works for me. Vegetables, vegetables, vegetables! I start my day with a smoothie made up of a leafy green (spinach, kale, collards...), another vegetable (cucumber, carrot, celery...) and fruits (which I keep to 2 or 3 because of the sugar). I switch it up between…
  • But it can be done. What is working for me is logging what I eat, working out and veggies, veggies, veggies! If I offer a salad for dinner, my husband might say that he had a salad for lunch, but when I asked him what he ate today he said that he had an toasted egg sandwich for breakfast, an apple for morning snack, a…
  • Hi, I"ve been using fitbit for about a month and just started with myfitnesspal. So far I love the food part of it. The food part of fitbit is mostly American and the raw/natural foods are usually way down the list. This site also has more of the foods I eat and use. I would like to add my encouragement to all of you. We…
  • I asked Eat Right Ontario about sodium and here is what I was told. We need 1300mg of sodium, as women between 50 and 70 years old, but we shouldn't aim for this. We should max out at 1500 mg of sodium to protect our heart. This is easy enough to do just eating whole foods. The more bread, meats and especially prepared…
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