I am looking for a few friends :)

My name is Stephanie! I used to use this site for about a year and a half, fell off the wagon and ready to jump back on. Only looking for inspirational people that will encourage me to either, try harder or keep going! I am a cake decorator, love volleyball and I have a condition called PCOS, which I will not let get in the way of this journey.

My goal is, obviously, to lose weight. However, I don't wanna just lose the weight.. I'm in the process of changing the way I live. This includes; making working out and eating healthy top priority so that I can become a healthier person. I don't want this so I will look good. I want this so I can live a full life!

So, if you are feeling friendly, and would like to help me out, feel free to send me a request :) thank you!!


  • nataliespiczka
    Hi Stephanie!

    I am right there with you and ready to get back on the wagon. I have fluctuated my whole adult life with weight and I agree, this time it is about making a lifestyle change rather than making it a diet. I too deal with female challenges that make losing weight a little more challenging for me, but with the right amount of encouragement and willpower, I think it can happen. Will I slip up once in a while? Probably, but that is part of the journey. Right? I would love to help support you through your journey. We can do this! :smile:
  • StephanieJoy24
    ☺️ we will be there to help each other jump back on when we do fall off. I'm sure this will happen to me as well! So glad there's someone looking for the same thing as me!!
  • ceceg13
    ceceg13 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Stephanie... glad to hear your back on the wagon! Feel free to add me :)
  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    Always willing to add new friends.
  • StephanieJoy24
    Thanks you guys! :)
  • Catherine0959
    I"ve been using fitbit for about a month and just started with myfitnesspal. So far I love the food part of it. The food part of fitbit is mostly American and the raw/natural foods are usually way down the list. This site also has more of the foods I eat and use. I would like to add my encouragement to all of you. We can do it!