laols01 Member


  • Fellow overnighters! Feel free to add me also. I work 11pm-7am at a hospital and have all of the same issues everyone above has mentioned. Food and carbs especially are my fav, but am limiting them to try to drop weight and live a healthier lifestyle. :smiley:
  • I sent you a friend request. :smile: I feel the same way and am happy to add friends to my network also.
  • Happy to add anyone who is interested in encouraging and supporting one another! Back on and working on my weight loss journey and a healthier lifestyle.
  • I'm back at it again also. Week back and feeling pretty good. Happy to add anyone for encouragement and support! :smile:
  • Hi Jen! I just made the decision a few weeks ago to get sleeved as well. I'm well on my way into the process for getting pre-auth'd and am absolutely looking for friends who are going through the same type of thing! I've sent a request to you! :)
  • Hey ladies, little late to the game it looks like. I'm just beginning my pre-op journey...consult, weight loss, etc. Shooting for surgery in the spring (April or May). I've struggled with weight my whole life, and am an insulin resistant PCOS'er. I'm Laura, 27, from Saint Paul, MN.
  • Hi! I'm also working to lose 100+ lbs. Would love additional friends in my support network! :) The more accountability I have the better!!
  • I also started at 328...down to 307 right now and counting. Feel free to add me--would love some more positive support and those in similar situations! :)
  • Thanks Carly. I haven't had one in ages. I have the Mirena and take inositol daily, also on Metformin. I see my doc at the end of the month for a blood panel to find out what's up with my hormones and how they're doing. Last time I saw him he was talking about some potential thyroid issues as it's genetic. I was born with…
    in Ovary pain Comment by laols01 June 2015
  • I've been having pain when I ovulate ever since I can remember--well before my PCOS diagnosis. Today I'm feeling sharp, knife like stabs on my left side (where they always are.) They haven't been this bad in a long time though. Last time I called my OB (who I LOVE) he said it was likely a cyst bursting and it was normal…
    in Ovary pain Comment by laols01 June 2015
  • I'm also on a journey of losing 100+ lbs. Would love support and friends along the way. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Good morning! Anyone is welcome to add me. I'm 26, down 20+ lbs and on a mission to lose the rest. I have PCOS and am insulin resistant so follow a relatively low carb minded welcome but will add anyone who is positive and supportive!
  • My gyno put me on spironolactone for hair about 8 months ago. I have noticed a dramatic improvement since being on it and also just purchased my first groupon for hair removal. My chin still drives me nuts and plucking/tweezing is only so helpful. If you find anything else helpful I'd absolutely like to hear about it as…
  • My doc just adjusted my metformin yesterday. Feeling all sorts of rumbly today. Regretting the ice cream treat I had last night. Glad some/most of you can relate... :blush:
    in Metformin Comment by laols01 April 2015
  • Coincidentally, I've had anxiety since I was 15. I've noticed a considerable difference taking Inositol. The fact that it helps with both the PCOS sugar cravings and anxiety is amazing. Definitely worth it for me. My energy levels have increased and I feel much more "with it" and clear headed in regards to anxiety. I do…
    in Inositol Comment by laols01 April 2015
  • Feel free to add me. I am looking to lose 100+ also...let's do this, friends! :smile:
  • I welcome new friends :smile: anyone can add!
  • Would be happy to have support and will of course reciprocate. Currently over 300 and determined that this is my last time "restarting" my weight loss. The dreaded "3" was my wake up call.
  • This has also been a problem for me, my chin and neck especially. It's not awful enough that some good tweezers and time can't fix but my doctor also prescribed Spironolactone to help hinder any new hair growth. I've been on it for about two months now and am finally noticing some difference. Unfortunately it doesn't help…
  • Yes I know all of that. I appreciate the support in knowing I'm doing things in a maintainable way, it's just frustrating having the constant nagging.
  • This almost made me cry reading it. It's the most frustrating thing in the world and totally hits a nerve with me. My former boss at work (I now work in a different dept) was just diagnosed about 6 months ago and decided to go the route of weight loss surgery. She had the sleeve done within 4 months of her diagnosis and…
  • Hey there. My insulin resistance is mild-moderate and I started the inositol to help with hormone regulation/ovulation/sugar cravings/facial hair. While I'm not trying to get pregnant, I do want to be able to have normal do this, I need to ovulate of course. My initial "research" showed that all of these things…
    in Inositol Comment by laols01 March 2015
  • oh! I should add that I'm doing the pill form (Jarrow brand), 3 pills for a total of 225mg. I'll be switching to the powder form after this bottle is out solely for cost purposes.
    in Inositol Comment by laols01 March 2015
  • I'm on day 5 of implementing myo-inositol into my daily regimen and I'm feeling SO much better. I have more energy, less sugar cravings, and generally feel more "with it." So glad I looked into this group. Thanks for the advice and support ladies!
    in Inositol Comment by laols01 March 2015
  • I'm learning that I feel so much better when I'm eating the right things and while I haven't seen a drastic drop on the scale yet (only a couple weeks in...), feel better is incredible. I have a set sleep schedule and wake up without being exhausted. Also, I eat when I'm hungry now and because my body needs fuel not…
  • Thanks Kyla. Yes I opted against doing the Whole 30. It was too limiting for what I need to do right now. It did make me better at reading labels which is a step in the right direction. Currently just trying to do less carbs, higher protein and higher fat per the recommendations of my trainer.
  • Thank you all for the awesome ideas and support. It's comforting knowing that I'm not alone in this and that we all struggle with this at times. I think I'm hardest on myself so that's a huge part of it.
  • Anyone is welcome to add me. :smile: Please leave a note with your add so we can get to know one another a bit!
  • Saint Paul, Minnesota! Absolutely love this group so far...learning a ton!
  • Nitrates/nitritees, sulfates/sulfites, high fructose corn syrup.