lucygoesrawr Member


  • I can't eat rice often due to ibs (my stomach inflates to twice the size :) ), but i particularly enjoy egg fried rice (very easy) and also risotto made with coconut milk (extra calories!) and thai style ingredients - i use jasmine rice for that. Jasmine rice is delicious.
    in Rice Comment by lucygoesrawr March 2016
  • Thanks, but i think you may have misunderstood. It's bloating that causes me to look that way - i don't start out that way first thing in the morning, my stomach significantly increases in size during the day. Thank you everyone for all the helpful replies, i will respond more later
  • I just started doing neck work after beginning intermediate training. I just wear a harness thingy with weights (not very much) attached and nod my head - 3 sets forward, 3 sets backward (it probably has a name, but my husband organises all this and I just do it). We do it three times a week. It's annoying, but I heard…
  • RodaRose, the medication was purely given to me just in case it helped, it wasn't important in any way. They do know I stopped taking it. The thing is, apparently lots of the 'safe' foods on that list cause symptoms for me, and 'unsafe' foods such as dairy, garlic and onion I'm actually (as far as I know) absolutely fine…
  • It's been gone for a while now. I'm going to go ahead and guess that they decided to delete all the posts of banned members to free up space - so since the thread was started by MrM27, it got deleted too.
  • I have a question for anyone who has had ice cream with marshmallows in it (I think Ben & Jerries Phish Food does). What is texture of the marshmallows like? My husband and I both have sensitive teeth so frozen pieces in ice cream are incredibly painful to chew through, but I'm wondering if marshmallows warm up quite…
  • We made this the other day: Minus the caramel bits, and replaced the milk with all cream (my husband is bulking... it comes to about 600 calories per 100g :o ) Here's a photo: It's really delicious. I thought the caramel flavour would be kind of diluted, for some…
  • Well, that's reassuring, at least :wink: That's true. If I could, I'd replace all my carbs with cheese... apparently that wouldn't be good for weight training, though. *sigh* Ah - they seem to make me want to eat even more. That was probably my downfall this time, actually.
  • Nutella is incredibly high calorie too - no need to get peanut butter if you like that.
  • I bulked at a higher body fat than is usually recommended for women and it didn't really go badly. I gained a reasonable amount of much-needed muscle. Yeah, apparently you get much better results at a lower body fat %, but that doesn't mean you should never, ever consider it above that. You should stop worrying and just…
  • But you're not 'skinny fat' (I don't think anyone even said that), you're just skinny. This page has information on body fat ranges: . Note how yours is fine.
  • That's definitely something to consider, yes. Possibly near a certain time of the month... I've heard some women have issues with their lifts at that time, and it does just so happen to be that time at the moment. I spoke to an orthopedic surgeon about the fatigue issue when I was initially diagnosed, but he basically just…
  • Auddii - Thanks for the link, I see what you mean about scheduled deloads. However, the long deload I had (from February) was not because of missing a lift, it was to make my form issues easier to correct. So that would have been kind of like what you're suggesting, I think? (Also, probably not relevant, but it's Starting…
  • keithcw_the_first - You might want to make your own thread and give a lot more detail to get advice (assuming you haven't already - I've not looked), it's not really clear what your 'something similar' is. 3laine75 - I'm not sure it's in a different place, it has just been a lot more painful, I think. Thank you for the…
  • Today hasn't gone well. Two days of rest but still have DOMS in my quads and hamstrings. Tried that squat weight I failed last time again, only managed one rep. Took some weight off so it was a weight I have succeeded with before, only managed one rep of that before failing. :( My body is so exhausted.
  • Okay, thanks guys. I think I'll try and go by how I'm feeling when it comes to putting weight on the bar. I can't imagine that over the four months or so I'll be cutting for, that the weight on each lift won't get any easier. That seems silly. LolBroScience - Yes, Texas Method. Though I've been told that's definitely not…
  • Well, I failed my squats and bench press today. I think that might be it now. I'm going to continue to bulk until I've done the next two workouts - so until Monday - and then cut. Hopefully I'll at least manage to get the squat I failed today (as I managed three sets) and increase my deadlift. Do you guys have any…
  • I know this probably sounds a bit paranoid, but does anyone else think it doesn't seem right that I can maintain at 2550 calories at 5'1, 148lbs (sedentary other than lifting, some walking and interval running once a week)?
  • Well, when I said a 'treat', I meant something tasty I have calories for while still meeting all other nutritional requirements. These often take up 300-500 calories. The extra calories do seem to be working! It could be too early to tell, mind you. The bench press I failed on the first rep last time, I managed for 5 sets…
  • Ah, I see you're projecting, Shmoony... ;)
  • JoRocka - Okay, thanks for the advice. Well, I'll up my calories by 300 or so and see if my lifting improves. I should probably mention that I suspect I'm going to stall on the lifts sooner than usual because of a slight recovery problem - my husband has a sleeping condition, which basically means his sleep/wake cycle kind…
  • JoRocka - Well, I'm not sure how much linear progress I'd have left anyway - I've been lifting (including when I was trying to lose) since about September last year. Also, I'm getting tired of eating at a surplus - I'm always full and don't really enjoy food much anymore. Though that isn't really a good reason... Do you…
  • Thought I'd update. I'm coming up to the end of my linear progress. Unfortunately, I maintained this month by accident, which might be why my lifts are stalling earlier than they probably should... but, what's done is done. I'm adding 200 calories and going to see whether I can manage my squat weight next week, and go from…
  • 3laine75 - Thanks! Yeah, I'll keep an eye on the knee situation.
  • Auddii - Thanks for looking at the video :) I'm glad it's improving. Yeah, I don't know what to think about the bar. It really doesn't feel that tilted, and my husband doesn't seem to notice, so maybe the camera is making it look worse. To be honest, I'm trying to keep my chest up so much it makes clicking noises. I'll see…
  • No, that happens if you eat at maintenance (very slowly).
  • BMI isn't very accurate for muscular people, which OP seems to be saying he is. Not to mention he's only just in the overweight category.
  • Jmule24 - Thanks for the feedback. There was one earlier in the thread, but not of my latest squats (I'm assuming you viewed the one above?). I can find the link if you like, but it was taken before improvements were made... 1. Okay, my husband keeps trying to get me to put it higher too - but it feels completely…