Ecaswick Member


  • 2 scrambled eggs with 1/4 cup salsa and 2 corn tortillas. Or 2 scrambled eggs with spinach and diced tomatoes on a slice of whole wheat toast. Either I occasionally throw a little low fat cheese or a couple avocado slices on. Those little meals keep me full for a good 4 hours.
  • 31 with 4 kids here aged 9,7,4,2. After my first 2 I lost 70 lbs and then slowly gained it from my 3rd pregnancy on. I now have 55 lbs I want to loose. I know I can do it but need the motivation again! :)
  • Name/ real name: Ecaswick/Elyse Goal weight on May 31st: 140 05/01: SW-146.6 05/09: 148.0 05/16: 145.6 05/23: 05/31:
  • Interesting. Thanks for sharing!
  • Strawberries, red grapes, watermellon....make a fruit salad?? maybe some strawberry yogurt or something similar to dip it in?? That's all I got, haha. *Btw I LOVE LOVE LOVE True blood and all the books!! :love: *
  • Up to 2-4 lbs depending on when I ate/drank last. I go by the morning number though.
  • I think it's possible you are having a mild hemmorage from exercising too much. Try cooling it for a day and it should go away. When you have TOM your body is already under stress and if you are exercising too vigorously that can happen....I googled it haha! BTW this doesn't mean to never exercise during your period ever…
  • WOW!!! You look wonderful!:bigsmile:
  • You look amazing! Keep up the good work!! :smile:
  • I would really try to relax about it. Last week I was 146; 2 days later 151! I ended up getting my little friend also so I was sure that's what it was. I weighed after it finished and I was still 148....waited 2 days more and viola 145.8. Water weight can stay around a few days and your weight fluxuates so much even in a…
  • Name/ real name: Ecaswick/Elyse Goal weight on May 31st: 140 05/01: SW-146.6 05/09: 148.0--Hoping that this is because I started AF yesterday... : / 05/16: 05/23: 05/31:
  • Thanks! I was thinking the same thing...Thankfully that was my last pill cause that was horrible!
  • When I exercise I normally stick to my original calorie goal...sometimes a LITTLE bit over. I think it's counteractive if you eat ALL the calories you're burning...My advice is to make sure you're eating at least to your original calorie goal on the days that you exercise. That's at least what I aim for! :smile:
  • Name/ real name: Ecaswick/Elyse Goal weight on May 31st: 140 05/01: SW-146.6 05/09: GW-145 05/16: GW-143.4 05/23: GW-141.6 05/31: GW-140
  • I actually lost about 30 lbs with just a diet change. It took about 6 months, which considering I wasn't doing anything, wasn't that bad. But I plateaued for a month -actually gained a few back!-and the only way I got the scale to budge was to exercise....I'm now down a total of 68 lbs in 13 months total. Basically it can…
  • I haven't done any of your challenges before either...can I join?? I'm only 7lbs off from my ultimate goal and could really use the motivation! :smile:
  • Thanks everyone! It's been tough, but it's so worth being able to be healthy and run around with my kids! Got the pic to work...thx for the hints!
  • Welcome! I just started a couple weeks ago on this site also and love it! The biggest thing that worked out of me is just good old counting calories and exercising. It sucks sometimes, but the pay off is worth it! Also all the great people you'll meet on this site will really help motivate you! Good luck! :smile:
  • Not sure how to get the picture to be right on the post, but if you copy and paste it in your search engine you can see it there....sorry!