I feel like such a failure.

maillekelly Posts: 132
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
And the worst part is I do not see how it's my fault at all.

I have been doing do well, I've lost 9lb in a month, about a week ago i started to notice a physically difference, my legs looked a little more shapely, my hips had reduced quite a bit and my stomach was SO flat, then I got my period 4 days ago, I woke up, and my belly looked pregnant, I was so uncomfortable, I was so bloated, I posted a few topics about it on here and everyone reassured me it was just TOM, and I thought so too as it came on so drastic, but I came off TOM this morning, and I still feel so bloated, even more so than I did yesterday and the day before, my legs look bigger, my hips and stomach look even bigger than they did BEFORE I lost 9lb?! I didn't weigh myself over the past week because of TOM, but my last weigh in I was 139lb. I got in a stress looking in the mirror about ten minute ago and I know it's late at night, well its 8pm here and I just went ahead and weighed myself, and it said I was 141lb.

How have I put ON 2lb??!! It doesn't make any sense, it can't be TOM, it went away this morning, I just feel like I have put on so much weight in a matter of 4 days. If anything I have been eating less whilst on TOM, keeping to 1200-1500 cals a day AND I've done 3 spin class, and continued to do every day on 30 day shred. I've drank TONS of water to try and stop the bloat, it's not like I gave in and just stuffed my face, I've been doing exactly the same.

Feel so disheartened now and like I can't do it, I really thought I could get to my goal in time for September. I hate that it's not even my fault that it's not working, I have the will power, my body just isn't allowing it.

Sorry for the rant, I just can't talk to anyone else about it.


  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    We all reach those stand still times or weight gains of a few pounds. It will pass. Don't give up! You've been doing great.
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    Good lord I feel like I could have wrote that entire post! Hang in there lady!
  • pinktoenels
    pinktoenels Posts: 23
    It is probably salt. Cut your salt and drink more water.
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Just make sure to drink more water! It's okay! You are in NO WAY A FAILURE!!!! TOM has a mean way of messing with your body!
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    Could it be that you are just retaining water, because of TOM? That is my guess - even if it has gone away...It takes a few days for your body to catch up. Hang in there!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    We all have moments like this. Water weight could still be the answer. Don't give up!!! Keep pressing forward, it will happen. I know this might sound backwards, but have you tired increasing your calories or zig zagging them. Maybe, you aren't getting enough calories with all the calories you are burning. I am 14 lbs away from my goal, and I just changed my calorie intake from 1 lb loss a week to 0.5 lbs a week. My body was going into starvation mode. It increased my calories from 1250/day to 1500/day. Now, I don't feel like I am starving all the time. 9 lbs in a month is great, you should be so proud of yourself. TOM can screw things up, give it time.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    it is probably just water weight. In order to gain 3 pounds you have to have eaten 10500 extra calories. A pound is 3,500 calories. MFP has a built in deficit. Give it a couple of days, that extra weight will go away. Drink a lot of water and it will happen quicker.
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Your head can play games with you. Your perception of yourself may be off. Stay on track and on those "blecky" days avoid the mirror AND the scale. It will balance out!
  • Try ZIGZAGGIN calories! You may be at a plateau or gaining muscle also. STOP WATCHING the scale! I used to torcher myself abou the scale and I have learned weight might not change but inches ect WILL and do!. ZIGGZAGGIN Calories is eating a different amount each day, and eating more on heavier exercise days... ie.

    sun1700 calories

    Thanks what my schedule looks like, I feel like its working to get more weight off me =) I hope this helps ADD me if you need SUPPORT =)
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I agree. Hang in there. We have ups and downs, the important thing is that you have incorporated a life style change that will take you far. Its about baby steps that will get you to the end. Don't get discouraged by small set backs and keep working toward the end result and you will get there:)
  • Lisone
    Lisone Posts: 78 Member
    DON'T WORRY!!!

    The same thing happened to me a few days ago... I was SO upset and crying and feeling like a complete failure. I even got so frustrated I asked my nutritionist what could have casued the "gain.."

    She told me something that I had NO clue about. When you work out vigurously and strenuously and put a ton of pressure on your muscles, breaking them down, the muscle groups actually secrete a type of "toxin," into your blood stream. This causes your muscles to SWELL BIG TIME, making you retain water so that the muscles can heal themselves.

    Since you said you had done a TON of working out (spinning puts a ton of strain on those muscle groups in your legs) I'm seriosuly NOT surprised that you seem to have "gained weight.." Even though YOU DIDN"T GAIN ANY REAL WEIGHT!!

    So, my dear.. just relax and keep up with the good eating, the exercise and just let your body relax a little. JUST REMEMBER: you're doing a GREAT job!! KEEP IT UP! Don't worry and don't fret.. everything will be okay. xoxoxo!
  • Ecaswick
    Ecaswick Posts: 22 Member
    I would really try to relax about it. Last week I was 146; 2 days later 151! I ended up getting my little friend also so I was sure that's what it was. I weighed after it finished and I was still 148....waited 2 days more and viola 145.8. Water weight can stay around a few days and your weight fluxuates so much even in a day- I can sometimes can weigh 3 lbs heavier at the end of the day than I did at the beginning. Just be patient and keep to it and you will see results. :)
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    if I were to get weighed now I would weigh 3-4lbs more than in the morning, drink water sleep well get weighed after your first pee then post your weight please..... gonna look you up in the morn, night night de stress! :)
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    When people post things like this (and it's very frequent so you're not alone!) the first thing I check is their current weight and height.

    If they are in a healthy bmi range (20-25 say), then my advice is always the same.

    Your body doesn't see the need to lose weight, it's going to hang on to every last pound it can. Those last few pounds when you're already at a healthy weight are very very slow to come off - and maybe you should ask yourself if goal is really a certain number on the scale, or should it be more your shape and size.
  • alygoo615
    alygoo615 Posts: 35 Member
    Weighing yourself at night you will never be consistent- your weight at night is going to fluctuate too much based on what you ate that day. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you use the restroom and preferably naked before you get in the shower to get your "true weight". I weigh an average of 2lbs less than I did the night before when I weigh myself in the morning.

    Also- if your TOM just ended, that doesn't mean that you won't still have water weight- some people will hold the water weight starting a few days before, during, and a few days after.

    We all have our tough days- just keep pushing and know that you are doing the right thing. I had a 1lb gain this week but I know that I have not done anything different this week and some weeks our weight will just fluctuate. This is actually the first time that I wasn't upset with a gain! I will be singing a different tune if I see the same next week though!
  • angisnee
    angisnee Posts: 236 Member
    I see in your signature that you're 5' 8". I'm 5' 9" and my goal weight is 170. I would look absolutely sick at 120! Maybe your body is trying to tell you you've been working too hard and that you're at a good weight. I doubt it would be possible for me to even get close to your *starting* weight. It might be a good idea to talk to a doctor about what a healthy weight is for you.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I can still be retaining water a day or two after my period ends, so I wouldn't worry about it. Plus, did I read that right, you weighed at night? You've eaten and drank throughout the day; the scale is going to reflect that.

    And not to discount your weight loss goals, but man, oh man, you're 5'8" and 139 lbs? *sigh* And you want to be 120? That sounds awfully low. I'm 5'8" as well. My goal weight is 160, but I have a large frame. Still, 120 sounds like a difficult weight to maintain. That's borderline underweight.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    And the worst part is I do not see how it's my fault at all.

    I have been doing do well, I've lost 9lb in a month, about a week ago i started to notice a physically difference, my legs looked a little more shapely, my hips had reduced quite a bit and my stomach was SO flat, then I got my period 4 days ago, I woke up, and my belly looked pregnant, I was so uncomfortable, I was so bloated, I posted a few topics about it on here and everyone reassured me it was just TOM, and I thought so too as it came on so drastic, but I came off TOM this morning, and I still feel so bloated, even more so than I did yesterday and the day before, my legs look bigger, my hips and stomach look even bigger than they did BEFORE I lost 9lb?! I didn't weigh myself over the past week because of TOM, but my last weigh in I was 139lb. I got in a stress looking in the mirror about ten minute ago and I know it's late at night, well its 8pm here and I just went ahead and weighed myself, and it said I was 141lb.

    How have I put ON 2lb??!! It doesn't make any sense, it can't be TOM, it went away this morning, I just feel like I have put on so much weight in a matter of 4 days. If anything I have been eating less whilst on TOM, keeping to 1200-1500 cals a day AND I've done 3 spin class, and continued to do every day on 30 day shred. I've drank TONS of water to try and stop the bloat, it's not like I gave in and just stuffed my face, I've been doing exactly the same.

    Feel so disheartened now and like I can't do it, I really thought I could get to my goal in time for September. I hate that it's not even my fault that it's not working, I have the will power, my body just isn't allowing it.

    Sorry for the rant, I just can't talk to anyone else about it.

    MOVE ON! You are a WOMAN>>>There is "STUFF" attached with that!
    Make another Goal: LOVE Myself and Stay Positive; Thank GOD I'm a GIRL!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    I would really try to relax about it. Last week I was 146; 2 days later 151! I ended up getting my little friend also so I was sure that's what it was. I weighed after it finished and I was still 148....waited 2 days more and viola 145.8. Water weight can stay around a few days and your weight fluxuates so much even in a day- I can sometimes can weigh 3 lbs heavier at the end of the day than I did at the beginning. Just be patient and keep to it and you will see results. :)

    Really? Gosh I really hope the same happens to me! Thank you :)
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Don't sweat it and just keep sweating off the calories. It could still be retained water, constipation or any number of other minor setbacks. Hell it could even be cake. However just keep moving forward and you'll balance out.

    If it is retained water may I suggest avoiding salt and red meat during that TOM?
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