ScaryMaryOne Member


  • I don't have this every day, but occasionally I replace lunch with a smoothie consisting of 1 bottle of Glucerna chocolate drink, a frozen banana, 2 tbsp organic peanut butter, and 1.5 tbsp flaxseed, blended up with 1-1.5 cups fresh spinach leaves. This is a great way to eat your leafy greens, and it tastes really good.
  • "Who cares?" Obviously, you care. You have posted an extremely long item here! Taking such time shows that you care. For whatever that is worth . . .
  • At JoRocka, "this. There is no health reason to go full vegan. [/quote]" I disagree completely. There are many health reasons to go vegan, but the two biggest are prevention-related. Veganism has been proven to effectively prevent heart disease and diabetes, and to reverse them in people who are afflicted with heart…
  • I would be afraid that the purge might not quite be over! Maybe a good idea to skip that day??
  • Yay for you! Talk about taking control of your health. You're inspiring!
    in Sugar Comment by ScaryMaryOne June 2014
  • As far as I know, baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, so there can be no gluten there. Unless it is added. As for baking powder, I'm not sure what it is, but I'm pretty sure that it is a simple salt, like sodium bicarbonate, and therefore could not have any gluten either. Unless it is added. If flour is not an ingredient,…
  • Dr. Lustig is definitely a wonderful authority on sugar in the average American's diet. The problem is that when we blamed our health problems on fat, the fat in processed foods was cut drastically and to make up for the flavor, sugar was added to processed foods. In general, that is. This explains why our heart disease…
    in Sugar Comment by ScaryMaryOne June 2014
  • Hey there, good for you. If you and your doc think Phentermine is appropriate in your case, then that is that. Don't worry about what other people think. Since I have experience with Phentermine, I know that it erases a lot of one's appetite. In your case, that's probably a really good thing. Also, personally, I think…
  • Barbiecat! I'm a new member, 57 yo, and I'm here because I must reduce my blood suger so I can get my back operated on for the 5th time! Long story there. But I wanted to say, I have a standard poodle too, and I love him dearly! Aren't they the coolest dogs?
  • As far as I know, drinking a glass of milk after a workout is definitely ok, within the context of a day's worth of eating within your total calories goal. It has protein and because there is such a thing that is called "milk sugar", it also has a modest amount of carbs. (This makes it a nearly ideal food for Type II…
  • @lilenatalem, diet soda is most definitely NOT the worst thing you can eat or drink. While I generally agree with you that unprocessed foods are the best, there is NO QUESTION WHATSOEVER that diet soda is a great product for diabetics and pre-diabetics. Of course, in moderation. While many people think there is proof that…
  • You sound like you have no idea whatsoever how science goes about evaluating the safety of food products. If you did, you would NOT be saying, "can current science evaluate the safety of aspartame?" Instead, you would spend your time and energy on something worthwhile rather than wasting it on this silly conspiracy theory.…
  • Thank you so much for this post. I am SO TIRED of people scaring other people to death with unfounded statements about aspartame. There is so much NOT-SCIENCE going on in our society that is directly correlated with whack-a-doo conspiracy theory. Such as the vaccine issue. Or climate change. Or evolution. People seem to…