skaffle Member


  • Everything is gonna be fine bro. They probly just having sex behind your back or something innocent like that. On the off chance that my professional advice is wrong and the $100% real relationship you described in the OP comes crumbling down... here's a song to listen to that will help mend your shattered, disillusioned…
  • Fred V & Grafix - Games People Play
  • Pretty much, but I think I get it now. Check it out: The woman in the video said some controversial things that made people decide she was a "bad person". So now "good people" can come along and spit any sort of hateful remarks against her. Through some bizarre loophole in society that behaviour is apparently not…
  • My brain just melted.
  • The only thing that I don't like about the gym is when people grunt or make loud noises while lifting. When I deadlift 20lb dumbbells I never make a sound, so there's really no excuse for anyone else. I also hate it when people sweat at the gym. If you're sweating while working out, then you're doing something wrong. None…
  • Thread had potential until it became an image dump for Clueless gifs. I've changed my mind and agree with the OP now. Gif spammers actually do ruin the forums. An overwhelming sense of sadness is washing over me, which obviously will require a gif to accurately portray
  • Please stop ruining this forum. I'm trying to read the endless "person above you threads" and decide if I want to marry pass hug or spank the person behind me. Be gone scoundrel.
  • Have you seen argument threads deleted off the shoulder of Orion; watched troll posts glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate?
  • If I plow over my corn fields to build a baseball diamond, will my deceased father come back to life and play catch with me?
  • When you're backing out of your driveway don't bother looking behind you or going slowly. Just gun it and try to get a good tire squeel blasted out before you hit the street. The danger is minimal and your neighbors will think you're a man of action, which will dramatically increase their respect for you. There really is…
  • If you're feeling ill you should look up your symptoms using WebMD and Wikipedia to diagnose yourself. Once you're fairly certain what your illness is write it down, but DO NOT visit a doctor to confirm your diagnosis, as that would just be a waste of time and money. Instead, look into using homeopathic herbal remedies in…
  • Thought this was going to be a satirical thread. The term cutting doesn't bother me at all, but it does bother me when people try to turn their own problems into everyone elses. As long as the word cutting is used in the context of fitness, then it has nothing to do with self harm.
  • http://
  • Yeah, shorts. Many are clothing optional, though, so do whatever makes you feel comfortable. If you don't want to use the sauna, I suppose you could improvise something with your shower at home.
  • Hit the saunas and get yourself a spit cup. That's how we used to cut a couple pounds for weigh ins during HS wrestling, although, 9 pounds may be a bit ambitious in a 5 day stretch.
  • If you are referring to the 3 common body types (ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph) then you can paste this link in your address bar: Or go ahead and google "body type test" for something similar. I haven't used any of them, so I can't vouch for their accuracy. Good luck.
  • Okay, 2-3 pounds is within normal body weight flux. If it has only been a coupe days I would just stick with your routine and keep an eye on your weight for the next 8 or 9 days. It sounds like you are meticulous in your tracking, but it can't hurt to remind you to be sure you track any liquid calories you may be…
  • Well it's hard to say why you would be gaining any weight given the info you provided. Is it DOMS? No, d.o.m.s. simply refers to delayed onset muscle soreness. Is it water retention? Maybe. I suppose it could be possible since you have been away from the gym for a while there might be extra fluid building up around your…
  • Yeah, it's just people, ya know? We all have our own quirks and eccentricities. Some people say foolish things without thinking, so best to just let it roll off your back. Can't read too much into that type of comment or it'll eat away at you. And honestly if the type of person that says those things is "socially retarded"…
  • That's really up to you. Some people are more strict about it and suggest cutting to around 10% bf (or lower) before any bulking, but at your height/weight I would presonally suggest you get started on a lifting program and eating at a surplus (bulking) to put on some size first. Either way, the gym access will help a lot…
  • Neither. I track my calories, eat (mostly) unprocessed food, and split lifting/cardio days @ 4/2 for a total of 6days working out every week. Both the cardio and lifitng sessions are typicaly longer than 30 minutes, but no more than 90. Most lifts are compound, but some isolation work is done. I certainly do not…
  • 4 black berries were PART OF a recipe, not the entire recipe. Pretending that she only ate 4 blackberries or drank less than 1 oz of almond milk for an entire meal is ridiculous. She is, most likely, adding individual items to her diary that are part of a shake or some other meal she is preparing and simply not being…