dragonflies4me Member


  • Monday: 20 pushups / 25 crunches / Shred / 2 water (I'm horrible with water) / no eating out Tuesday: 20 pushups / 75 crunches / Shred / 4 water (may get in a little more tonight) / no eating out Wednesday: 20 pushups / 25 crunches / Shred / 4 water / ate out with friends tonight - was really good! (we rarely eat out so…
  • After 3 days off with a bad sore throat and cold/flu I did level one again today. So I guess that makes it L1D6 for me. I had to modify (yes, Jillan. Modify!) the jumping jacks for about 10 seconds and the jumprope for about 10 seconds in the first circuit. But on the last circuit I did them correctly, and I made it…
  • Would be L1D6 today, but I feel like crap. I'm hoping just it's just a cold/flu and not strep. I really was aiming to do 30 days straight (although I'm not sure if I would be ready for level 2 after 10 days - was hoping for that though!) but I just can't. I usually use up at least half of the calories from the shred, but…
  • L1D4 done! I cheated for about 10 second on the jumping jacks and about 10 seconds on the jumprope part. Kept moving doing similar but non jumping stuff. I just was beat and didn't want to stop so I at least did something. When we did jumprope and jacks in the 3rd circuit I did do them all. On the whole though I'm still…
  • Here's to week 2! I lost 1.5 pounds in week one, but I've been an eating fool these last two days. I don't know why I can't motivate myself to stop. I'm sticking with the pushups from level one of the shred since I'm making myself do them, but my wrist is not up for any extra. I'm going to try to do double crunches to make…
  • L1D3 done!! I'm exhausted! I feel a tiny bit better during (but actually took a few 5 second breaks - no more than 5 LOL - today) but I'm just beat afterwards. It even aches my hands to type this! LOL I think my favorite is the chest flies (or would that be flys?) too. Anything laying down is good at that point! :laugh:…
  • You did what you could so that was great!! Just keep it up. If you try again today, you have definitely not failed!! You should be able to do a little more each time. I KNOW you can do it!! :heart:
  • Crud. I ate everything in site last night and ended up over 200 calories over. Blah. And that was with my extra 200 calories from exercise. Now I'm up from earlier in the week and I'm only down 1.5 pounds for the week. But I guess that's better than nothing. I ended up with 50 pushups on Saturday and only 20 or so on…
  • Finished L1D2!! I have 5 year old twins who attempted to do it with me! LOL My son was upset that he didn't have weights to use and he did the least amount (and he has the most energy of us all!). My daughter kept asking me "like this?" for the exercises. She also said "Hey! That's the girl from that other show!" She…
  • Wow. I'm sore today! I joined a biggest losers thread here too and our challenge was 350 pushups this week. I joined late and it's basically 50 pushups a day. But I could only do 40 yesterday. I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist that has never bothered me, but today that wrist really hurts. I'm hoping I'll be able to do the…
  • I'm in! I've had the DVD for about a week and kept deciding whether to keep it or not. I have a bad ankle and a bad knee so I was deciding whether I could do it or not. They aren't horrible, and I see the contestants on the biggest loser running, jumping, etc. so I figured I should just give it a try and maybe after some…
  • Jumping in here too! My name is Jenn (and I happen to know another Jenn on this thread LOL). I left this thread up on my browser and it's been there since Tuesday and I'm finally joining in. I'm 40 and I'm hoping to lose 29 pounds and end up at 140 at the end of this. I'm 5' 9" and my starting weight on Monday was 169. I…