30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • I just got this workout per a friend's recommendation and started it yesterday. I was tired after the first 2 exercises and felt like a lame-o! I did end up completing the workout, but with a few more 5 sec rests than Jillian took. My head is telling me to do it again today, but my thighs are screaming Noooooo! Of course I'll do it anyways. Hoping I can stick with it for 30 consecutive days!
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    After a workout, when you feel sore...is it best to rest a few days or are you suppose to just keep going and work through it? I have a pretty bad back and just want to be very careful when doing things like this. I don't want to end up with any more injuries than I already have. (Like torn muscles, etc) Any information and advice would be greatly appreciated! Looking forward to getting to know everyone!.

    Especially in the beginning when your muscles are at their weakest, you will probably feel some soreness the next day. It's always been recommended to work out lightly or not at all on those days when you're sore to prevent injury. That soreness is your muscle fibres healing themselves after being torn in the workout. (yes they actually tear) That's how they build and get stronger. If you tear them up again (by working out hard again too soon) when are they ever going to have a chance to rebuild and heal (and grow!)? I think the name of this workout is misleading to people because they feel like they're supposed to work out for 30 days straight to see results. Not true. If you feel good, do the workout. But if your muscles are pretty sore, take the day off and let them repair. You don't want to injure yourself or you'll never get shredded!

    Hope that helped. Good luck and enjoy!
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Did L1D8 yesterday, going to do it today after my little one and I go for a swim! Beautiful day out today!

    Keep shredding, ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • dragonflies4me
    dragonflies4me Posts: 12 Member
    After 3 days off with a bad sore throat and cold/flu I did level one again today. So I guess that makes it L1D6 for me. I had to modify (yes, Jillan. Modify!) the jumping jacks for about 10 seconds and the jumprope for about 10 seconds in the first circuit. But on the last circuit I did them correctly, and I made it through! I'm BEAT though. Hopefully tomorrow it will be a little easier.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    My girlies are napping so I'm about to do L1D5. Maybe I can do some elliptical work afterwards or tonight.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Had a headache yesterday so I missed my workout. :( Feeling better today so I completed L2D5 today. Yay! Hope everyone has had a good weekend. :)
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    I felt really down on myself this morning (work and life troubles!!) so I needed a challenge.... decided to go up to Level Two a couple of days early. I figured the worst that can happen is I had to go back to L1.

    The good news is I made it through!! :happy: Very sweaty! hehe. A combination of the muggy, hot weather and it being more intense - but it wasn't as scary as I imagined.

    The only thing that did upset me a little was that it's supposed to be a HOME workout DVD yes?? What sort of home does Jillian think I live in? Probably one with an annex for a gymnasium.... there just isn't enough space for some of the activities. I did manage to do them all - but banging into my sofa/table/poor startled cat in the process!! I already have to move my coffee table and shift all the sofa's back to do the workout as it is, but I'm not a short/small person...and I just don't think level 2 is as "practical" as level 1.

    Sorry for the moan, and don't worry, it won't make me give up - it's just a bit frustrating!

    This is so true! I can barely fit in the lunges and chest presses, and forget worrying about not being able to do the "proper" push ups, cos I'm forced into the modified!! Haha :smile:

    I'm so glad you turned your stress into something positive, that's inspirational for me :-) I'm so scared of level 2 on tuesday :-S happy to hear that it's do-able but I still have a lot of respect!
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    Did L1D8 yesterday, going to do it today after my little one and I go for a swim! Beautiful day out today!

    Keep shredding, ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Aww that sounds lovely! Perfect weather here for a swim, too :-) Hope you had a nice time!
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    Just finished my 8th day of shred! (not sure how to count it since i haven't done it on every day...) I feel so good afterwards, even though I'm all minging and sweaty :0) It's nice to see some improvement in endurance... and I made it through the dvd without feeling like quitting, which is nice!

    It's a lot harder to fit all the moves in here (my home room, as opposed to term-time room) but it's still doable :-) I'm just happy to have picked this back up after a couple of days of stress. Keep up the good work everyone! :heart:
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    L1D6 done! I caught some glimpses of what is to come in the DVD menu intro and I'm a little scared. But today, I feel like a different person than 6 days ago. The workout was hard but I made it through without an abnormal struggle. I can feel my endurance getting better after only 6 days. I really focused on my breathing and on sticking my butt out during lunges and squats and I feel like a different person doing the workout from day 1. :)
  • Hey Guys, L1 Day 7 done! Feel like I've improved quite a lot since day 1 but I'm still dying in the side lunges and haven't completed the full set yet :( The muscle soreness I felt for the first few days has disappeared too which I'm finding positive,

    Well done too everyone who's been posting here! I'm a little worried after reading that you need lots of space for level 2, I'm just managing to fit level 1 into my space just now!

    Also, for the regular shredders, how long before you started to notice a change in your shape? I know i've only done a week but my jeans are as tight as they were at the start still!
  • chiccaroline
    chiccaroline Posts: 17 Member
    Did L1D4 this morning as yesterday I was too sore from playing in a netball tournament on Saturday and I knew I had to go to a 2 hour training session in the afternoon. I found it really hard again today. I didn't complete the side lunges and found the cardio really tough going. I've got spinning in an hour so hopefully tomorrow will be easier…
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Good morning friends! I didn't get to my L1D5 till right before bedtime last night ... and I just couldn't do it this morning as I have been. Too much too close together. I'm hoping that if I hit it up as soon as I get home from work today, I will be able to get back on my morning routine with it tomorrow morning. I'm feeling great though - sore but great!

    I have a kettlebell set arriving today - to add to my workout lineup (maybe in a few days, in light of the previous paragraph :wink: ) - anyone else doing anything with kettlebell?
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    UGH! 5:30 alarm went off and I rolled over, thought about it for a second and changed the alarm to 6:30 - hence no workout this morning!

    I did walk to work though (just over a mile) and have serious plans about shredding as soon as I get home tonight, then back at the routine tomorrow of getting up at 5:30 to workout (hopefully 12 hours between workouts is enough overnight tonight).

    Happy Monday!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Hope the weekend was good for all. Finished L1D4 & L1D5!! On to level 6 tonight! I am ready to move to level 2, but I am going to wait.
  • lexicalabrese
    lexicalabrese Posts: 200 Member
    Did L1D9 yesterday, gonna fit in L1D10 today after running all of my errands...then tomorrow starts L2! Aaaaagh!

    I'm skeered :sick:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    L1D6 complete. Uggh, I just couldn't muster the strength to do it yesterday. Sometimes I just have to listen to my body. So yesterday was my off day... This mornings workout was good. Now off to finish mowing the lawn.

    don't forget to add the lawn mowing as exercise

    Oh yes, I sure do add the mowing...with all the sweating, pushing and pulling I do in the HOT florida sun, I deserve to eat those calories:-)

    Completed L1D7 yesterday. I did all of level one and to my surprise it was really kinda easy. I had been using a 3lb bar for the side lunges w/ arm raises becaue the 5lb bell were killing me...now I am able to do the first set with the 5lb bells and second set w/ the 3lb bar. So, I am hoping to compelte all w/ the 5 pounders by the end of level 1. Oh wow, did the 1st circuit of level 2 after completing L1...man I was whooped tired.
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    L1 D1 Done! i had to take a couple 5 sec breaks but i still feel great about finishing!
  • bailybubble
    bailybubble Posts: 8 Member
    Been rubbish over the weekend so have only just done L1D4, was ok will see how sore i am tomorrow :laugh:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    L2D1 interesting. I like all the plank stuff and I found the walking pushups easier than the pushups in level one. hated the double jumps hurt my knees so I had to back down to singles. Keep on shreddin':drinker:
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