Biggest Loser Week 2



  • Welcome back to all who was missing!! Glad to have you back...

    Momieof2 sorry you haven't been feeling that well I hope you are 100% back to yourself very soon!!!

    krklstephi Sorry to hear about your week the great thing is your still here and that's behind you now so here's to next week!!:drinker:

    Sundinsgurl Sounds like you handle your night very well Great job!!!

    Roughneckswife Sorry to hear that you been sick as well glad to have you back!!

    Well guys I did it I finished my first 5K non stop jogging at my own pace but I never stopped and that is the one thing I am most proud of the next time I am going to work on my time!!! We can do anything we put our minds too!!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    So I think I've done really well today. I chose today as my day of eating out.I had unsweetend tea LOL. I had fajitas, but no tortillia and only a few chips!!
    I didn't do the shred, because I still am not breathing well and didnt want to make it harder. I did walk 1/2 a mile this morning and plan on doing another 1/2 mile walk this evening!
  • Hey everyone,

    Monday 25 push-ups and 25 crunches (no eating out)
    Tuesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches about 10 or more cups H2O (no eating out)
    Wednesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches 12 cups of water (no eating out)
    Thursday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 15 cuos water (no eating out)
    Friday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 10 cups of water (no eating out)
    Saturday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 10 cups of water (Ate 2 slices of pizza)
  • Hey everyone!! Sorry I wasn't able to check in this week- we had trouble with our internet, it's been horrible not having MFP this week! lol Week 1 I weighed 205 and on Mon. I was down to 201.2, so I've lost 3.8 so far! =) Hopefully I lost or at least maintained this week, we'll see what happens. What is the new challenge for week 3? Everyone is doing such a great job, keep up the good work! =)
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I know I'm so far behind everyone now, but I did get the push-ups and sit-ups in! I also walked a mile today! Go me!
  • dragonflies4me
    dragonflies4me Posts: 12 Member
    Monday: 20 pushups / 25 crunches / Shred / 2 water (I'm horrible with water) / no eating out
    Tuesday: 20 pushups / 75 crunches / Shred / 4 water (may get in a little more tonight) / no eating out
    Wednesday: 20 pushups / 25 crunches / Shred / 4 water / ate out with friends tonight - was really good! (we rarely eat out so this was nice!)
    Thursday: nothing - sick
    Friday: nothing - sick
    Saturday: 1/2 hour slow walk with family - still not feeling well
    Sunday: 20 pushups / 25 crunches / Shred / 4 water (so far)

    Finally got some exercise in today and I'm beat! Will definitely have more water today and maybe walk some tonight. I'm hoping for at least 2 pounds lost when I weigh in tomorrow!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Mon - 25 push ups 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    tues - 25 push ups - 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    wed - no workout - TOnS of water
    thurs - 50 push ups 100 crunches 30 min rollerblade, 25 min Wii active workout (176 calories) soccer prac
    fri - 25 push ups 50 crunches 30 min rollerblade, 30 min walk
    sat - an hour of tennis
    sun - 50 minute soccer game

    Didn't eat out all week :) and had 8 or more glasses of water everyday

    Will do my sit ups and push ups from this weekend tomorrow! It will also be a weigh in day for me - it has been a month since I've stepped on the scale. Very nervous since I had a horrible eating weekend. and lots of drinking.

    Has there been any discussion as to what our new challenge for the week should be. Any suggestions?
    - we could do squats or lunges
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Can I join in as you move to week 3?
  • I was thinking about lunges and for the food part everyone should try to eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I'm good with lunges for week 3. 25 for each leg? or is that too many?

    I think we should continue with some push ups and crunches. We dont want to make the challenge too long each day - but its a good thing to continue doing.

    ohh I like the 5 fruit and veggie serving idea. this will be a bit tricky for me cause I dont think I eat anywhere near to 5 servings. motivation to get in more! Im up for the challenge!
  • Hey everyone!!!

    Monday 25 push-ups and 25 crunches (no eating out)
    Tuesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches about 10 or more cups H2O (no eating out)
    Wednesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches 12 cups of water (no eating out)
    Thursday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 15 cuos water (no eating out)
    Friday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 10 cups of water (no eating out)
    Saturday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 10 cups of water (Ate 2 slices of pizza)
    Sunday 25 pushups and 25 crunches 10 cups of water (no eating out)

    I am up for the lunges 25 per leg and the 5 servings of veggies and fruits

    I really want to weigh in tomm it's killing me not to weigh in and see where I am right now whew this is going to be really challenging as I was so bummed about the gain last week due to TOM I just want to make sure it was because of that and has fallen back off

    Do you guys think I should weigh in or just wait? This no weighing is hard!!
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Hello Everyone! Biggest Loser Challenge Week 2 : COMPLETE! Yeah! That was, by far, the most sit-ups and push-ups I have ever done in my ENTIRE life! What an accomplishment...and I feel great! :smile:

    Ready for Week 3! Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Of course u can welcome to the challenge.
    Can I join in as you move to week 3?
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Of course u can welcome to the challenge.
    Can I join in as you move to week 3?

    Thank you so much!!!! I'm up for your challenges. Does someone post a link to the new week, or do we just search for it?

    Thanks again!
  • I was posting a new link but some people were having a problem finding it so I will do both
    Of course u can welcome to the challenge.
    Can I join in as you move to week 3?

    Thank you so much!!!! I'm up for your challenges. Does someone post a link to the new week, or do we just search for it?

    Thanks again!
  • I don't know where everyone is........I'm just going to post my weigh in here.

    05/24/10 168.4
    05/31/10 165.6
    06/07/10 164.0

    I'm down 1.6 lbs and I had a birthday this week!!!!! So I'm very excited about this!!!! Hope everyone has a good week!!!! Are we doing lunges????
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I had my monthly weigh in this morning - only down 1.8 lbs! not too pleased... I did have a horrible eating/drinking weekend. So I will be weighing in again tomorrow and Wednesday to see if there is a change.
  • jeepin_girl
    jeepin_girl Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I would love to join if possible. My name is Jamie and I am here to lose weight. I have been on this journey for a couple of months now, but I need a boost to get going again!! I will weigh in the morning and report.

    I didn't see a Week 3 thread, but since I am new I might have missed it.

  • I lost 5 pounds: -)
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    What is the new challenge for this week?
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