Biggest Loser Week 2



  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I finally found this thread!

    Monday: 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, 3.25 mi in 40 min on the elliptical - 344 cals 1.10 mi in 20 min on the treadmill - 146 cals
    Tuesday: 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, Leg workout with trainer - 188 cals The following circuit repeated 4x: lunges on incline step (4 risers) with 15lb bar on shoulders - 16 reps, Side squats on Bosu Ball with a jump side to side for 1 minute, Side squats on incline step (4 risers) with toe touch 16 reps, 3 riser step--cardio leg lifts 3x per leg for 1 minute, Shelf raises on back with feet elevated - 12 reps, Side Pilates bicycle 4x forward, 4x backward, 40 min Elliptical - 342 cals, 20 min Treadmill - 137 cals
  • need_to_lose
    Challenge 25 crunches and 25 pushups for the Week 2.

    Monday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups-no eating out
    Tuesday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups-no eating out
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    I am getting there slowly. I'm scared that since I had a big loss last week, this week I will bomb. Eeeek. I will just keep doing the challenges and my other workout and hope it all shows at the end of the week.

    Monday- no workout
    Tuesday- 50 push-ups, 50 crunches
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Wow Jkohan! What a workout you have done so far this week!! Great Job :) I wish I had a trainer that could kick my butt like that
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I am getting there slowly. I'm scared that since I had a big loss last week, this week I will bomb. Eeeek. I will just keep doing the challenges and my other workout and hope it all shows at the end of the week.

    Monday- no workout
    Tuesday- 50 push-ups, 50 crunches
    you will do just fine just keep pushing through and getting the workouts in and I am sure things will show up as they did last week for all your hard work!!! There are other ways to measure your success other than the scale also how good you feel knowing you completed the challenge how your body starts to shape up from working hard and the energy we get from it as well so all rewarding signs to look for from week to week Keep pushing hard!!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I finally found this thread!

    Monday: 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, 3.25 mi in 40 min on the elliptical - 344 cals 1.10 mi in 20 min on the treadmill - 146 cals
    Tuesday: 50 crunches, 25 push-ups, Leg workout with trainer - 188 cals The following circuit repeated 4x: lunges on incline step (4 risers) with 15lb bar on shoulders - 16 reps, Side squats on Bosu Ball with a jump side to side for 1 minute, Side squats on incline step (4 risers) with toe touch 16 reps, 3 riser step--cardio leg lifts 3x per leg for 1 minute, Shelf raises on back with feet elevated - 12 reps, Side Pilates bicycle 4x forward, 4x backward, 40 min Elliptical - 342 cals, 20 min Treadmill - 137 cals

    What a great workout!!! Keep pushing hard!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Looks like everyone is doing great. :happy: It looked like someting you would see on Americas Funniest Videos when I did my crunches last night..OMG I had 1 son on each arm trying to get me out of the floor. Of course I started giggling and couldn't do anything. They threatened to leave me there. :laugh:
    I go back to the doctor with my knee today. Hope this will be the last.

    MON- 0 exercise
    didn't eat out
    TUES- 50 wall pushups/25 crunches
    10- H2O
    Ate out.
    WED-50 wall pushup/crunches later
    6-H2O so far
    not eating out
    Have a water aerobic class tonight.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Are we reporting our weight loss weekly or monthly? If monthly what day?
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    So alot of my co workers have decided to have a biggest loser at work it is gonna be 3 months and you put in 10 dollars the winner takes all. So I am gonna need alot of support from yall.
  • futuredispatchhottie911
    That is to funny about your kids threatening to leave you there that is what my family would do also. I hope everything goes ok at the doctor's
    Looks like everyone is doing great. :happy: It looked like someting you would see on Americas Funniest Videos when I did my crunches last night..OMG I had 1 son on each arm trying to get me out of the floor. Of course I started giggling and couldn't do anything. They threatened to leave me there. :laugh:
    I go back to the doctor with my knee today. Hope this will be the last.

    MON- 0 exercise
    didn't eat out
    TUES- 50 wall pushups/25 crunches
    10- H2O
    Ate out.
    WED-50 wall pushup/crunches later
    6-H2O so far
    not eating out
    Have a water aerobic class tonight.
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Are we reporting our weight loss weekly or monthly? If monthly what day?

    It was still weekly I think for me I have been having issues and so I am just taking the time off. I think some of the other ladies were already on a monthly weigh in before starting the challenge. So that's where the confusion came in sorry about that. Do what works best for you!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday 25 push-ups and 25 crunches (no eating out)
    Tuesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches about 10 or more cups H2O (no eating out)
    Wednesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches 12 cups of water (no eating out)
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Everyone's doing fantastic...keep up the great work!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I didnt do anything at all yesterday... stupid first day of TOM... I will make up for it today.. I'll do my 25 push ups and 25 crunches from yesterday today!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    This is gonna be long, sorry...

    Ok, so yesterday was bad. Not just bad, but really really bad! I was all ready to join the gym, had it arranged to go at 4 and my son was going to get to play on the computer there while I worked out. The day started off great. Went shopping to get some invites for my graduation celebration this summer. Went to the school to volunteer, and it hit. My son has ADHD and Aspeger's, just a lil background. He began having a meltdown at school. Not just a little one. Nope he comes to the room I am in and begins slamming the door. The more I ignore him, the louder it got and the harder he slammed. The teacher in the family center (where I was working) goes out in the hall with him and locks the door so he can't open it anymore. Then his teacher comes to get him. He goes back to class, and I'm thinking, "ok he will pull it together". Boy was I ever wrong. The teacher calls when school is out and says he has a mess to clean up and then he'll be out of class. Ok, I can still make it to the gym, right? Nope! His teacher calls and says my son took off. He ran home (we live right across the street) and I get him back at school. We finally get home from school at 5:30. There went my gym workout. And I was so physically and mentally exhausted that I just wanted to go to bed.

    So, I did not get my workout in or my daily challenge in, and I blew it on eating out. Today I WILL make up for yesterdays challenge and do 50 pushups and 50 crunches. Sorry for the long vent. What do all of you do when you have days that start good, then go from bad to worse?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Awww sounds like a very rough day krklstephi! Just try to put yesterday behind you. Everyone has bad days..

    When I have a bad day I just try to do REALLY well the next day. one day isnt going to hurt ya.. im sure you have gone many years eating fast food and not exercising. The main thing is that you have the intention to want to improve :) and YOU CAN!!!

    I also didnt get to do any of the challenge yesterday - so just like you I will make up for it today.. 50 push ups and 50 crunhces - together we can do it!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Hello everyone,
    The doctor decided to put a cortisone shot in my knee. It does feel better today, but he wants me to stay out of the pool for a couple of days because he worries about an infection so I be going back to the water aerobics monday. Maybe before long I can get back on the treadmill.

    no exercise
    8 H2O
    didn't eat out

    50 wall pushups/25 crunches
    10 H2O
    ate out

    50 wall pushups/25 crunches
    10 H2O
    didn't eat out

    50 wall pushups/crunches later
    6 H2O

    :happy: YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I like how we have a dedicated group of people here :) If I feel a lil less motivated - just come here and see that others have completed the challenge for the day and it gives me that push. (except yesterday of course)

    Also so thankful that I am finally doing some strength training :)

    Mon - 25 push ups 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    tues - 25 push ups - 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    wed - no workout - TOnS of water
    thurs - 50 push ups 100 crunches 30 min rollerblade, 25 min Wii active workout (176 calories) soccer prac later if no rain
    fri -
    sat -
    sun -
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    Stephanie- <<hug>> maybe today will be better.

    Sundinsgurl- Great job, you really made up for up for yesterday. :happy:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Sorry Krklstephi you had such a rough day we all tend to have those I know I do just remember it's a day don't let it ruin your week or your month that's what I did and believe me it's not fun. I hope today is better and just keep moving foward and thinking positive we are here if you need to vent or just for support!!!