Biggest Loser Week 2



  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I like how we have a dedicated group of people here :) If I feel a lil less motivated - just come here and see that others have completed the challenge for the day and it gives me that push. (except yesterday of course)

    Also so thankful that I am finally doing some strength training :)

    Mon - 25 push ups 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    tues - 25 push ups - 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    wed - no workout - TOnS of water
    thurs - 50 push ups 100 crunches 30 min rollerblade, 25 min Wii active workout (176 calories) soccer prac later if no rain
    fri -
    sat -
    sun -

    You rock yesterday is history way to make it up!!!! Keep it coming
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Raindancer your awesome also........sounds like the cortisone shot is going to work glad to hear that!!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I just had a reality check. Thanks to CasperO. I have total ignored my sweet tea consumption.
    We use a cup of sugar to a gallon of tea. I drink 16 oz at a time. Usually 3 of these in the evenings. Way,way more on days I 'm off work.
    My tea is 120 calories per galss...OMG:sad: No wonder I'm not losing.

    Ok my friends here goes it..NO MORE SWEET TEA FOR ME!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks Cnbathea and raindancer :)

    I also had a realization!! I was looking at the calender for May when I was checking for my weigh in on the 6th - thought it was on Tuesday. Wehn it actuality - June 6th is this Sunday!!! I was supposed to be going away to a friends cottage this weekend - but the weather is supposed to be horrible so we arent going. Not worth it to drive 3 hours for one day of crappy weather. We are going out for a friends bday tomorrow - which means drinks, drinks and more drinks. But I will work my butt off tomorrow, and Saturday. No drinking Saturday night - just water, water, water and than I can weigh in Sunday morning :S (scared cause of drinkin tomorrow night I heard it can affect your weigh in for a few days)

    raindancer - Good thing you figured that out! Try Green Tea - plain nothing in it. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MY FAV!!!!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Thanks Cnbathea and raindancer :)

    I also had a realization!! I was looking at the calender for May when I was checking for my weigh in on the 6th - thought it was on Tuesday. Wehn it actuality - June 6th is this Sunday!!! I was supposed to be going away to a friends cottage this weekend - but the weather is supposed to be horrible so we arent going. Not worth it to drive 3 hours for one day of crappy weather. We are going out for a friends bday tomorrow - which means drinks, drinks and more drinks. But I will work my butt off tomorrow, and Saturday. No drinking Saturday night - just water, water, water and than I can weigh in Sunday morning :S (scared cause of drinkin tomorrow night I heard it can affect your weigh in for a few days)

    raindancer - Good thing you figured that out! Try Green Tea - plain nothing in it. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MY FAV!!!!!!

    What I do if i drink is drink a bottle water prior to drinking in between drinks I have a bottle of water and it helps to cut down on my consumption plus flush my system......Your right what we do may take a few days to show up on the scale I think if you get your workouts in and plenty of water you should be fine!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday 25 push-ups and 25 crunches (no eating out)
    Tuesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches about 10 or more cups H2O (no eating out)
    Wednesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches 12 cups of water (no eating out)
    Thursday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 15 cuos water (no eating out)
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Biggest Loser Challenge - Week 2 . . . so far

    Monday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water
    Tuesday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water
    Wednesday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water
    Thursday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water

    It is so encouraging to see everyone doing so well! Keep up the great work!!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Biggest Loser Challenge - Week 2 . . . so far

    Monday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water
    Tuesday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water
    Wednesday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water
    Thursday: 50 (counter) push-ups & 50 crunches & 8 glasses of water

    It is so encouraging to see everyone doing so well! Keep up the great work!!!

    Awesome JOb!!
  • need_to_lose
    Sorry I haven't been reporting. Been a little busy getting use to my daughter being out of school for the summer. But I am back. Everyone is doing a GREAT job. Keep it up.

    Challenge 25 crunches and 25 pushups for the Week 2.

    Monday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups-no eating out
    Tuesday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups-no eating out
    Wednesday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups-no eating out
    Thursday: 25 crunches & 25 pushups-no eating out
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Tomm is my first 5k I will let you know how it goes!!
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Good luck!!!!!
    Tomm is my first 5k I will let you know how it goes!!
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    0 exercise
    8 H2O
    no eating out

    50 wall pushup/25 crunches
    10 H2O
    ate out

    10 H2O
    no eating out

    no eating out
    NO SWEET TEA :sad:

    very busy at work..later.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Mon - 25 push ups 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    tues - 25 push ups - 50 crunches tennis and two 30 min walks
    wed - no workout - TOnS of water
    thurs - 50 push ups 100 crunches 30 min rollerblade, 25 min Wii active workout (176 calories) soccer prac
    fri - 25 push ups 50 crunches 30 min rollerblade, 30 min walk
    sat -
    sun -

    raindancer - Great Job on not having your sweet tea! That is very impressive since we know how much you love it

    cnbethea - I will once again wish you luck on your first 5k. Its inspiration to make me want to run! Can't wait to hear back tomororw on how you did

    need to loose - No worries about not reporting.. the good thing is that you are still completing the challenge each day!! great job :) I can just imagine how hard it is to loose weight with a child too. I have a hard enough time without having a child. lol
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    I'm having just a dry green salad for dinner. I only have 40 calories left for today... I can do it.

    suninsgurl-Thank you. You know how Texans love their sweet tea :love:

    cnbethea- good luck tomorrow..above all else have FUN.

    need_to_lose- Good to have you back.

    Hello to everyone I missed
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hey everyone,

    Monday 25 push-ups and 25 crunches (no eating out)
    Tuesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches about 10 or more cups H2O (no eating out)
    Wednesday 25+ push-ups and 25 crunches 12 cups of water (no eating out)
    Thursday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 15 cuos water (no eating out)
    Friday 25 push ups and 25 crunches 10 cups of water (no eating out)

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes with the run tomm I am so excited and can't wait to report back how it goes!!! I need to get to bed I think the excitment got me where I can't sleep.....I'mgoingtoforce myself to turn in now Good night all!!!

    Sundinsgurl-Hope you enjoyed your evening out and i know you will still do good on Sunday!!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    Hey Ladies!
    I've been so sick for the past week, so I haven't been doing any workouts. I'm ready to suck it up and get with it this week. My goal this week is to lose 5 pounds. I think I can seriously do it. I'm going to be doing the 30 day shred as well as the challenge for this group. Now I'm excited and ready to report back in the morning!! I WILL get up early and workout before the kids wake up!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I just had a reality check. Thanks to CasperO. I have total ignored my sweet tea consumption.
    We use a cup of sugar to a gallon of tea. I drink 16 oz at a time. Usually 3 of these in the evenings. Way,way more on days I 'm off work.
    My tea is 120 calories per galss...OMG:sad: No wonder I'm not losing.

    Ok my friends here goes it..NO MORE SWEET TEA FOR ME!!!

    This is my weakness too. And we make our tea the same way. I usually have about 5 glasses a day UGH...I'm not going to cut mine totally out because I would freak lol. Just have 1 glass a day!
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Hello everyone! Been MIA - Was out of town for the holiday and then sick! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

    Biggest Loser 18 Week Challenge
    Week 1 (05/24): 299
    Week 2 (05/31): 296 :smile:

    Challenge Goal Weight: 30 lbs. - 269
    Goal Weight: 180
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    momie of 2 - welcome back :) Great job on the 3 pound loss :) thats awesome

    roughneckswife - welcome back to you too.. sorry to hear that you havent been that well. It definetely is hard to work out when feeling like crap. We've all been there. hopefully you manged to get up before your kiddies and do a workout

    As for me - I did sooo good last night! I had quite a few drinks... which wasnt that good lol but the part I am proud of is that at the bar they always give out free popcorn at each table (to make you drink more) its covered in butter, salt and some other yummy seasoning. I only had a few kernels. Than my other weaknes is after a night of drinking I usually come home and munch out on crappy stuff. I only allowed myself one serving of crispers - than made myself go to bed :) Today my boyfriend and I are going to the driving range, to play mini putt and he said he would play tennis with me. No drinking tonight.. than weigh in tomorrow morning.
  • krklstephi
    krklstephi Posts: 182 Member
    Ok, so this week was a no go for me. The week went from bad to worse and then better, and then worse. Not only with the eating, but all the stress that has happened this week. Hopefully, next week is a lot better. Any idea what the challenge will be for next week?