30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    tried to do day one level one.

    couldn't do it, couldn't finish

    I feel like a failure.


    Don't feel like a failure!!!! Were you doing as Anita does (she's the modified workout chick, the blonde, the one with the great abs:grumble: ) and taking it easy?

    Just take it one day at a time...try again tomorrow and you might surprise yourself and find that you are more prepared for it because now you know what to expect. Don't give up! Just do what you can and ease into it!

    I have faith in you :flowerforyou:

    yea I copied Anita. Still couldn't do the push ups or last as long as they do. I got to 16:48 minutes and had to turn it off. I couldn't breath and I felt like I was going to vomit :-(
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    tried to do day one level one.

    couldn't do it, couldn't finish

    I feel like a failure.


    Don't give up! That's exactly how hard I found it at the start - I still can't do the push ups and have to cheat on them (shh!) - and take like 5 second (or more) breaks all the time!! So don't feel like a failure :-) just ease yourself into it bit by bit
  • peggyann47
    peggyann47 Posts: 22
    I would like to start this challenge as well. I like this DVD because it is only a 20 minute workout, which I can fit into my day easier. A challenge is what I need to keep going.
  • I just finished L1D1. OMG I thought I was going to die. I am SO proud of myself I only took 1 5 second break. My arms and legs are killing me. Bring on day 2.
  • vachegomoo
    vachegomoo Posts: 66
    Day 1: Check. Yay! We are refusing to turn on the AC so it's a million degrees in our apartment, and I was a little afraid that I would suddenly die of heat stroke but I made it! I can tell it's been way too long since I've pulled out the Shred because I think my arms are going to fall off. :P Way to go everyone! :smile:
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I haven't done it yet. I got in a crazy mood a few days ago and ripped out the old tiles from my bathroom and hallway and begged my brother to help me put in new ones. Now for two days in a row I have been staying up 'till 1 am to finish grouting and painting. I even sanded my old wood vanity cabinet and the door and refinished them. I've been living on 3 hours of sleep per night, so I am going to take one more day to recover. I may do it on in the morning if I feel good, but if my body is still aching the way it is right now, I will wait until Tuesday.

    Congratulations to everyone that started already and keep it up.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    tried to do day one level one.

    couldn't do it, couldn't finish

    I feel like a failure.


    It's understandable you are not happy about it, but please just do it again. When I started my kettlebells workout I had to stop and take breaks every 2 min. I felt like my body was about to fall apart. Something amazing happened though, because when I tried to do it again a couple of days later, I was already a lot stronger and was able to keep up with most of the workout. It's been about 3 weeks and can complete the entire workout. So, keep at it! Your muscles will be happy :happy:
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    L1-D2 is done. It was a bit more challenging than yesterday, go figure :huh: But it's done and I feel great :flowerforyou:
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    tried to do day one level one.

    couldn't do it, couldn't finish

    I feel like a failure.

    Hey, as the others said, don't worry about that! I started on Tuesday last week, I followed Anita,, couldn't do push ups at all, and had to take a load of 5 second breaks, But I've been doing it every day since, so this morning was day 7, and you wouldn't believe the difference!! Gradually, each day I needed less breaks, the last day or 2 I didn't need any break, and I'm actually starting to follow the other girl (can't remember her name) for some of the exercises! I'm still not great at push-ups, but I'll get there,, and so will you!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I also completed my day two...and also found it a little harder (I thought it would be easier!) but probably because I was aching so much from yesterday!! :laugh: I will absolutely not be giving up...I love this! And I want abs like the girls on the DVD! hehe. (Though I figure that will take more than 30 days!) I am glad to see I'm not the only one who is struggling a little with the press ups...the rest of the routines no probs, but even the modified press ups, by the 2nd set I'm collapsing!

    Also...DON'T give up if you're struggling! Even if you have to take more breaks then suggested or do even lower intensity...30 days of that is still going to make a difference to your current fitness and make you feel super-proud of your achievement!
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    I also completed my day two...and also found it a little harder (I thought it would be easier!) but probably because I was aching so much from yesterday!! :laugh: I will absolutely not be giving up...I love this! And I want abs like the girls on the DVD! hehe. (Though I figure that will take more than 30 days!) I am glad to see I'm not the only one who is struggling a little with the press ups...the rest of the routines no probs, but even the modified press ups, by the 2nd set I'm collapsing!

    Also...DON'T give up if you're struggling! Even if you have to take more breaks then suggested or do even lower intensity...30 days of that is still going to make a difference to your current fitness and make you feel super-proud of your achievement!

    Weird, huh? Push-ups are so hard for most of us. But Jillian's count is a bit off on the first series, you do a bit less of them in the second one (I think). Still, I know we'll get there eventually. Right now I do the modified version and I really don't go low at all but what I am doing is enough to make me feel the burn and that is all that matters at this point.
    tried to do day one level one.

    couldn't do it, couldn't finish

    I feel like a failure.


    For those of you who are worried because they don't make it through more than half of the workout or because they have to take 5 seconds breaks here and there, don't sweat it (pun intended :tongue: )!
    You are not a failure or anything even close.
    The simple fact that you are here and that you started this routine automatically makes you a winner. Please don't give up, keep at it every single day and in a couple of days you will be able to go through the whole workout and eventually without any breaks.

    We can all do this together people so chin up! :glasses:
  • justahorsen
    justahorsen Posts: 234
    I'm in...I planned to start on June 1st by myself...so now I will have a group to help me....thanks
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    L1D2 done :-) Has anyone got any favourite bits of the workout? I love the chest presses lying down - and the jump-rope bits towards the end where she's all "this is easy for you" haha :laugh:
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    L1D2 done :-) Has anyone got any favourite bits of the workout? I love the chest presses lying down - and the jump-rope bits towards the end where she's all "this is easy for you" haha :laugh:
    Me too!! cos the first time I did it, when she said that, I was like "noooo,, no it's not!:sad: " but now, I'm like "YEAH!! BRING IT!!! :happy: "
    I like the static lunges, I can really feel them,, I like the chest presses, but I feel like I just want to stay on the floor after doing them, and she orders me to get up too quickly!!
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    L1D2 done :-) Has anyone got any favourite bits of the workout? I love the chest presses lying down - and the jump-rope bits towards the end where she's all "this is easy for you" haha :laugh:
    Me too!! cos the first time I did it, when she said that, I was like "noooo,, no it's not!:sad: " but now, I'm like "YEAH!! BRING IT!!! :happy: "
    I like the static lunges, I can really feel them,, I like the chest presses, but I feel like I just want to stay on the floor after doing them, and she orders me to get up too quickly!!

    Haha I know exactly what you mean!! But erggggh I HATE those lunges, nearly always have to stop halfway - you have a lot of respect from me! One day I'll be able to do them without cheating... :smile:
  • dragonflies4me
    dragonflies4me Posts: 12 Member
    tried to do day one level one.

    couldn't do it, couldn't finish

    I feel like a failure.


    You did what you could so that was great!! Just keep it up. If you try again today, you have definitely not failed!! You should be able to do a little more each time. I KNOW you can do it!! :heart:
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Haha I know exactly what you mean!! But erggggh I HATE those lunges, nearly always have to stop halfway - you have a lot of respect from me! One day I'll be able to do them without cheating... :smile:

    It took a while, but the last few days I could do it,, I'm still not too hot on the side to side ones with the arm raises,, at that stage I'm in pain!!
  • dragonflies4me
    dragonflies4me Posts: 12 Member
    L1D3 done!! I'm exhausted! I feel a tiny bit better during (but actually took a few 5 second breaks - no more than 5 LOL - today) but I'm just beat afterwards. It even aches my hands to type this! LOL

    I think my favorite is the chest flies (or would that be flys?) too. Anything laying down is good at that point! :laugh: The cardio is my least favorite, but hopefully as I build up some endurance that won't be as bad.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    L1D2 - DONE!! I get winded very quickly, but the way that it's set up, changing so quickly, works well for me and allows me to recover. I agree, I think the chest flies are my favorite too! The side lungs and arm raises get me - because I don't have any upper body strength! Hopefully that will change!

    Good job ladies, keep up the awesome work!!!:flowerforyou:
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Completed L2D1 and I am kinda bummed. I think it will be awhile before I will feel comfortable doing a couple of the moves. I know I just need to keep with it but (oddly enough) I miss level 1. lol
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