30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    Yeah I agree with those side lunges, they really burn your arms! You can really feel that it's doing something for your muscles though so that's nice :smile:
    I love that everyone's favourite part is the lying down chest press bit!! :laugh: That makes me feel a lot less lazy for loving just lying there...
  • Anna_15
    Anna_15 Posts: 22
    Completed L2D1 and I am kinda bummed. I think it will be awhile before I will feel comfortable doing a couple of the moves. I know I just need to keep with it but (oddly enough) I miss level 1. lol

    Aw no don't feel bad!! You are doing so well, level 2 is sooooo far away for me I can't even tell you. You're totally right to keep at it and it might take a couple of days but just remember how awesome the results are gonna be :-D Go for it!!
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Haha I know exactly what you mean!! But erggggh I HATE those lunges, nearly always have to stop halfway - you have a lot of respect from me! One day I'll be able to do them without cheating... :smile:

    It took a while, but the last few days I could do it,, I'm still not too hot on the side to side ones with the arm raises,, at that stage I'm in pain!!

    I am with you on the side lunges!!! Everytime she says "We're raising our hands to eye level...eye level!" I'm just sitting there thinking "NO Jillian, YOU are raising them to eye level. I am raising mine to my chin and wanting to collapse, so you can bite me!"

    But I wanna get ripped like her, soooo :grumble:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey guys! I feel super behind now that everyone started yesturday . . . I had my half marathon yesturday and wasnt quite up to doing 30 day shred just yet. lol.:laugh: I finished it in 2 hours and 20 minutes so I was very pleased!! yah!!
    I will try to start tonight with D1L1 and see how I do, I am rather sore today . . .

    Keep going everyone!! You guys are doin awesome!!!:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just finished Lv1Day 6. I had the highest burn yet doing this 159 for the 27 minutes. Last week my highest was 135. I feel good. Bring it on tomorrow Jillian I can handle it.
  • softlyspoken68
    You can actually go to youtube and check out the 30 day shred
  • need_to_lose
    I just finished L1D2. I think it was harder today than yesterday. My body is telling me that it doesn't like what I am doing. I agree with it but I am sticking to it.
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Did L1D3 today...Jillian whooped my butt as usual! :grumble:

    I am noticing my muscles are nowhere near as sore when I'm done as they were two days ago...so I'm thinking going up a level every 10 days is going to work out for me. At least, I say that until I try Level 2 :laugh:

    Keep it up everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    L1 D2 complete.

  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    I am going to be starting this sometime this week! I just finished 90 days of ChaLEAN Extreme so I'm excited to start something else with a new trainer:)
  • hendrickson21
    I am thinking about getting this today or tomorrow and starting.. I just hope i can do it.. Im not to overweight but i think i must have no muscle mass at all!! I can barely worpout without getting tired and dizzy.. but you all have made me feel like maybe just maybe i can do it!! I want to get back in shape before october so that my husband can be blown away on our anniversary.. that and id love to be bale to put a bikini back on this summer.. so lets go ladies!! Ill be a few days behind you..
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    L1d3 and then moved my yard and the neighbors...so my calves are a bit sore. Oh how the lungs and arm lifts kill me. I keep thinking this is going to get better. Wish I had 3lb wgts instead of 5 pounders...oh well...
  • lauradee
    lauradee Posts: 21 Member
    Just finished L1D2. I was really starting to get sore but once I started I hardly noticed the sore muscles. My upper body is moosh and I have no strength to do the push ups. I will be glad once I can do a normal push up (just one would make me happy). I worked really hard last week on my elliptical and tracking my food and only lost 1 lbs. but I am going to keep pushing myself and tracking food and hope for a better result next Monday.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Great job, Jay! A half marathon - that's amazing!!! Very motivational!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I'm in! So excited to have the support! I plan on starting on Thursday! Yippppeeee!
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    I just finished my first day! I thought I was going to die. I actually had to take a two minute break between circuits to get some water because I thought I was going to pass out.

    I entered it into my exercise log as circuit training, general for 28 minutes and it said I burned 350 calories... but everyone else's numbers seem much lower. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  • oh_my_misty
    Hi Everyone! L1D3 here (though still to do it today)...brought out the dreaded tape measure on the first day hope to see it in a better light at the end of the 30 days... I leave for work at 7.30 am and home between 6-7pm weekdays then l get into the workout. Will continue my 75 minute walks on the weekend while doing the DVD as well. Though l will only be able to a good 21 days as we are away on holidays for 3 weeks out camping in the Australian outback for the following 3 weeks. Though l will be taking my mat,dvd and computer with us and trying to do the shred on the days we are not driving to late on and if l miss out to many l can do the 30 day shred again when l get back....Looking forward to reading about everyones success!
  • vachegomoo
    vachegomoo Posts: 66
    Finished with L1D2! I hate hate hate the side lunges, but since it looks like nobody else likes those either I don't feel as bad. :P Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Laika3
    Laika3 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey guys,

    Hope you don't mind if I join this thread? :glasses:

    Ok so I actually started over a week ago - did 7 consecutive days on Level 1. Days 1-4 hurt like hell and then all of a sudden level 1 was easy, I was actually looking forward to it. I was away most of the weekend there at a wedding so had a 3 day break, did Level 1 day 8 yesterday, not sore at all today.

    I'm thinking of moving to Level 2 now as I feel ready - so maybe do Level 2 from days 9 to 20 (moving up to level 3 before day 20 if I feel ready). What do you guys think?

    I had a sneaky peek at level 2 and 3 last night and i'm scared! lol :cry:

    Happy shredding x
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I wanted to get up this morning and do my Day 3 L1 Shred before work...but I had a killer migraine last night so I thought best not, I'm a little wiped out today...

    ...Still, my other half said he would do it with me tonight for motivation! If I'm feeling sorry for myself I'm more likely to give up, so at least with him there there's no way I will be cheating...we get very competitive! :laugh: