30 Day Shred May 30th - June 30th Support



  • MoM? Wasn't there something you were suppose to tell our very good support friends here on FitP ? C'mon tell them....and I am very proud of you by the way for pushing through no matter what...YOU CAN DO IT !
  • vachegomoo
    vachegomoo Posts: 66
    L1D5 done! I tried holding one weight with both hands for the side lunges like someone suggested, and I could actually do them all. Yeah! Great work everyone!
  • dragonflies4me
    dragonflies4me Posts: 12 Member
    Would be L1D6 today, but I feel like crap. I'm hoping just it's just a cold/flu and not strep. I really was aiming to do 30 days straight (although I'm not sure if I would be ready for level 2 after 10 days - was hoping for that though!) but I just can't. I usually use up at least half of the calories from the shred, but right now I've got 400 calories left in my normal day without adding any exercise. I'm awful when I feel sick and usually eat a bunch of junk just to make myself "feel" better. I'm going to try to stick with a piece of cheese or something and then a WW ice cream bar.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Done with Day 5 today, and it was actually a little, LITTLE, bit easier. Still have to do modified push ups, but I'm ok with that because they are actually looking pretty good, and I couldn't do a push up at all a little while ago. I find that I can do the whole set of the side lunges now that I'm only raising one arm at a time - that was a great tip. I guess my shoulders just can't take it yet.

    Still trying to decide if I need to be at 100% of Level 1 before going up to Level 2...but I don't see how I can be 100% with those push ups by 10 days :ohwell: I may just go up anyway on Day 10...

    I wasn't able to the full push ups after the 10 days and I went on to level 2 anyway. My first workout was frustrating but I am keeping with it, it is getting a bit easier everytime I complete the workout. :)

    ****Thank you for your response! I think that's what I'll do as well. :flowerforyou:
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    L1D4 for me! I can definitely feel a difference. I'm jump roping higher, butt-kicking closer to my butt, and even though my push ups were modified, I didn't have to stop. It's still certainly not easy, and I'm getting exhausted, but I definitely have hope to one day move on to level 2. Not soon, but one day. And I'm really, really hoping to get out of the 200s at my next weigh-in!
  • L1D4-- The back on my right leg hurts not sure what ive done to it. I find the lunges the hardest to do i keep thinking my knee is going to go over my feet. Anyone else find this? Its a pretty tough work out I have to say. i find the stretches at the end very hard to do I cant do the spilts position at all!!

    One thing that keeps me motivated is the girl on the right most amazing abs ever!!

    Best of luck everyone and dying to hear how everyone is getting on!!
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    Did my L1 D6 before work this morning. The cardio and abs bits are starting to get a bit easy now but still to scared to go up to level 2 as I'm soooo bad at press ups that I couldn't possibly be ready! I don't have any breaks in them now, but still doing girly ones and totally out of sync with the DVD (ie. slower!) :laugh:

    Also today is my weigh in day...bit gutted that I only lost 0.3 kg (just over 1/2 a lb) as I've really been killing myself to exercise heavily and eat super-lean this week as I was so motivated by a nice loss last week..but hey ho...at least the scales are headed in the right direction!

    Also...has anyone else noticed any changes in their body already? I was checking out my stomach in the mirror last night (my WORST bit!) and I think there is certainly less excess there. Then I thought I was being daft...how could you see a change after 5 days? But they my boyfriend (who sadly, isnt like some of the lovely sounding partners on here...he wouldn't know how to compliment if it fell out of a tree and hit him on the head...!) well he said 'hey is your stomach tighter?' :happy: :happy: :happy:

    That's enough of a push for me to continue!! Only 24 more days to go....
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    Just found this thread, wish I had found it a week ago! I will be doing L1D4 of the Shred today, so hope I can join your thread a little late :smile:
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Not very happy this morning, my weight is up .7lbs; lost .5" in my waist and L thigh (for some reason :embarassed: ) and up .5" in my chest. Last week the scale stayed the same and my first weigh I lost 2.7lbs. So frustrating, but I will re-evaluate my diet and keep trucking on. Hope everyone has a great day. :)
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Hey guys, is it too late to join this group?? I started the 30 Day Shred on the 30th, and was excited to find you on the forums.
    I'm heading into Day 5 and am excited. It's been a LONG time since I've committed to something physical like this. The biggest "ahah" moment for me has been that even though I'm sore, my body still does the workout and I don't die! LOL
    I just took my measurements yesterday, after four days in, and will weigh myself this morning. I'm excited to chart the results, though I can feel a difference already. My body feels tighter from the inside, if that makes any sense, and I am just proud that I've stuck with it thus far. I tend to be self defeating and give up too soon on these things.
    Good luck to everyone... YOU CAN DO IT!
  • kaydtc
    kaydtc Posts: 48
    By the way, what is everybody recording by way of exercise calories for doing the Shred? I have just been putting 20 minutes high impact aerobics, which comes up at 147 calories,
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    L1D3 is done! I've decided that getting up at 5 dang oclock to circuit train when every CELL in my body would rather sleep an extra half hour realllllly sucks while I'm doing it. But I feel awesome the rest of the 23-1/2 hours of the day, and it's great to get it done right away - so it's worth it :)

    It's getting easier! WOOHOO!

    Kaydtc - I log it as circuit training general. Mine shows as 300 and some calories, but I've noticed it to be different numbers for different people. The system must calculate it based on your settings ... ?
  • ryssaan
    ryssaan Posts: 44 Member
    L1D5 complete this morning. I didn't feel like doing it my back was hurting so I was unable to do the back exercises. I have issues with my lower back sometimes. I did make it through the rest of the exercise and logged 100 less calories burned since I know I wasn't working as hard. But I still completed it and was glad it was less then 30 minutes. Now it's behind me and I can go on with my day.
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    I record it as circuit training general as well. I believe it bases it on your weight. The heavier you are, the more calories you burn because your body is working harder. That's my understanding.
    Day 5 complete!
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    L1D2 finished last night! On to D3 tonight!!! TGIF!! :drinker:
  • chiccaroline
    chiccaroline Posts: 17 Member
    Another latecomer to the group. I saw the thread on Sunday, was interested in the DVD, read the reviews on Amazon, bought it and completed L1D2 this morning. I'll be doing it alongside netball training and matches and spinning. Roll on L1D3… :grumble:
  • slcbrus
    slcbrus Posts: 79
    L1-D6, particularly difficult today for some reason, mostly the cardio. Did some deep muslce isometrics two days in a row and jumping was tough! Happy to be over the hill for level 1 though.

    Have a great week-end all!!! :drinker:
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Only made it halfway through L1D4 when I suddenly threw my back out. Ugh.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    How many minutes have you guys been recording the Shred as? I've seen some people doing 27 and some doing 20. 27 is how long the whole level 1 runs for, but I guess if you count it it's three 6 minute circuits, and 2 minutes for warm up/cool down. I've been doing 27 minutes but I feel like I've seen more and more people doing the 20. What's the consensus?
  • I just started yesterday, so I'll be joining you. :) We should all post pictures from Day 1, Day 10, Day 20, and Day 30.
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