

  • Where does it show you how many calories you should have burned? I have been doing it for a few weeks now and love it but just have been guess on the calories.
  • What a great birthday present! Way to go!
  • Wow this is my weakness. Are you counting artificial sweetners as well? Count me in but I will need to friend you to get the support to finish because we have a ton on bdays in May and that means a lot of cake!
  • Good luck! You cna totally do it! Read the success stories on this site every day or two and they will help motivate you. The calorie tracker really helps me think about what I am putting in my mouth and I like earning exercise calories for bigger meals or special treats. Just keep up the exercise and you can succeed!
  • Wow! I am 5'6'' and half too and I am 186 now just starting out. It is amazing to think if I hit my goal I could look that thin! Thanks for sharing! Amazing!
  • I was just in your shoes. I had joined a gym and was working out about an hour 3-4 days a week with a mix of cardio and weights and I was eating healthy and the scale didn't budge for over a month. I kept it up though and finally I lost two pounds in two days just this week. It may just take some of us longer to get…
  • I am in Texas too. Hopefully your family stays safe and you are out of the fire's path! I just joined this week and the site is very encouraging. Keep up the good work and hopefully we can all get some rain and relief soon here!
  • Thanks for all the info, and really quickly too! It is nice to know there are so many of you out there for support! I think I am going ot try to cut back and maybe eventualy quit. it is hard because I do love it so much. Thanks again!
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