kwilli731 Member


  • I'm struggling with the same issues - and all of my cravings have been SODIUM SODIUM SODIUM. Trying really hard to limit my sodium count and increase protein/calcium/iron/fiber. Tracking here helps that a lot - or at least makes me really examine how I can consume 3000mg of sodium in a day. OOF.
  • I'm due February 2! Please add me, I'd love a pregnancy buddy!
  • I live in Ithaca, and I am always looking for fitness buddies!
  • Anything with sugar - even sugary cereals. My husband is luckily quite understanding and keeps his sugary cereal habit to a minimum. Snack bars. BEER. I can't handle beer.
  • I cut out ALL sugar for a week, and used berries as dessert during that time. After that period, the cravings were manageable and I was able to add in a weekly walk to an ice cream shop about a mile away with the husband and dog. It's only been a month, but I was eating sooooooo much sugar beforehand, so it's a big…
  • Another option is to chop up a banana, then freeze it. Throw it in a food processor when it's frozen, and blend until it turns creamy. It will, eventually, usually takes me about 4-5 minutes, and the texture is unreal. I like to also blend up a few frozen cherries in there, or add cinnamon or something like that, and I put…
  • Beer, any kind of sugar, chips. Snacky things that are easily grazeable.
  • This is a wonderful thread!
  • I say go for protein smoothies. I had strep a couple months ago, and they were a lifesaver. You can make them taste like ice cream, which satisfies the "I'm sick let me eat what I want" monster, but isn't a complete calorie vacuum. Hope you feel better!
  • My god, the fruit thing. I was SO PUMPED when I found out they were now free, and I practically binged on them. I'm very much a compulsive eater, and WW allowed me to continue to be that way. This is only my third day on MFP but the binging (even on fruit) has nearly entirely dropped off. It just keeps you so much more…
  • WW worked for me the first time around - I lost 60 pounds. After I quit going to meetings (I'm not going to gain the weight back! I know how to maintain on my own!) I gained fifty of those pounds back. My husband and I rejoined in January, but they have a new program. I think Points Plus is a good idea in theory, but there…