weight watchers?

Have you tried weight watchers? If so, please let me know your thoughts good & bad.

I've been dieting for just about two months now, and I feel like my weight loss is not where it should be.

I keep hearing that I'm supposed to be eating more calories to lose weight, but i don't really know. I'm just wondering if weight watchers would get me on the right track to losing more weight.

Thank you


  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member

    Totally been thinking about joining too! Would love some input as well!
  • ctrlaltdelboy
    if you get a good group with people you can relate to and enjoy seeing every week then it works great in terms of having a peer group who are in it together with you, they'll be eager to see how you've got on from one week to the next and so you'll be eager to have a good story to tell each week when you go there.

    this together with the ideas, hints, tips and motivation from the group meetings is what makes the difference.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    WW didn't work for me. It is too much time/effort to count points and enter them. MFP is so much better for me. WW = no weight loss. MFP = steady weight loss. But, I do know people that WW did work for.

    I like MFP better because it tracks exactly what you eat and exercise both. And you can tweak your eating habits right away - without having to mess with the points. MFP has lots of built in support with all the other users in the same boat. MFP tracks the whole package of weight loss (exercise, strength training and food). But, everyone is different and needs different motivation.

    Not sure what your idea of where your weight loss should be, but everything I've ever seen says 1-2 lbs a week of loss is great and sustainable. It takes awhile to put weight on. It takes a while to take it off too.
  • cdngirl71
    cdngirl71 Posts: 2,707 Member
    I joined 2 weeks ago and I like the points system. Much easier to follow but I still log on MFP to make sure I am eating my calories but it does equal out, for me anyways. I have lost 6.8 lbs so far.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    My mother... an extremely young 62 SWEARS by weight watchers and has nothing bad to say about them. She values the feeling of community and the sense of accountability she gets from having to weigh in on a scheduled basis and it keeps her motivated to not let herself down. I, on the other hand, find having to attend a meeting on a routine basis does not motivate me in any way shape or form and am better off tracking my goals here. So, the bigger question is not whether it works, because the system does work obviously or they wouldn't still be in business and going strong so many moons later. The question is... "What works for YOU?"... Will it be helpful to have an outside source for accountability? Are you looking for physical face to face support on a routine basis? If this will help you, then consider it.
  • Simmons083008
    Simmons083008 Posts: 2 Member
    I did weight watchers for about 8 months. At first I did great - was slowly losing but then I stalled and stopped losing. I don't think it is really worth the money. If you are tracking on here then you are doing (basically) the same program. In weight watchers you keep track of points which factors in calories, fat, sugar, etc of a product. Here you keep track of all those things separately. The only big bonus to WW is that you go to group meetings where people can throw out good information and recipes. You'll learn about healthy eating, healthy snacking, portion control, exercise. Ultimately it comes down to the same thing - diet and exercise.
  • cc2r1511
    cc2r1511 Posts: 127 Member
    I did WW for a couple months and I lost about 14 lbs! It was great but it ended up getting to be too expensive. $40 a month plus if you buy the books. But the program works!
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    WW totally worked for me. It taught me what the right foods to eat are (whole grains, high fiber, lean protein, vegs/fruits) and what to set aside as treats for once in a while (chips, sweets, etc). I also learned what a portion size really is - that was very helpful. I didn't mind calculating points and sticking to it. I lost 40 pounds over 9-10 months wtih WW. Now that I'm trying to maintain and stay healthy, MFP works great now so I can continue to track my food and exercise, without the cost of WW materials. Give it a try - there's a pay as you go option so if you don't like it you've not spent too much. Or look for an "At Work" program, if you company offers it.
  • kwilli731
    kwilli731 Posts: 12 Member
    WW worked for me the first time around - I lost 60 pounds. After I quit going to meetings (I'm not going to gain the weight back! I know how to maintain on my own!) I gained fifty of those pounds back. My husband and I rejoined in January, but they have a new program. I think Points Plus is a good idea in theory, but there are far too many kinks that need to be worked out. The points values were inconsistent and sometimes illogical. For the amount of money we were paying, we just decided yesterday that counting calories seemed the more economical (and logical, really) method of attack.
  • WorkingMomGetsFit
    WorkingMomGetsFit Posts: 70 Member
    WW worked for me the first time around - I lost 60 pounds. After I quit going to meetings (I'm not going to gain the weight back! I know how to maintain on my own!) I gained fifty of those pounds back. My husband and I rejoined in January, but they have a new program. I think Points Plus is a good idea in theory, but there are far too many kinks that need to be worked out. The points values were inconsistent and sometimes illogical. For the amount of money we were paying, we just decided yesterday that counting calories seemed the more economical (and logical, really) method of attack.

    I agree! I joined WW after both pregnancies. I did lose the weight and thought I ccould keep it up on my own...WRONG. WW is based on points but in the end, it's all about calories. Too much calculating too. I did try the new Points Plus and was not thrilled. (even more calculations) Unlimited fruits and vegetables too?....too much room for error if you are not careful! And as for the ads with Jennifer Hudson, she lost all her weight before they introduced the Points Plus system. Just sayin :wink:
  • diegelman
    diegelman Posts: 55 Member
    It;s really just a waste of money. You get the same support here for free. And they will tell you the same thing, you need to eat to lose.
  • kwilli731
    kwilli731 Posts: 12 Member
    Unlimited fruits and vegetables too?....too much room for error if you are not careful!

    My god, the fruit thing. I was SO PUMPED when I found out they were now free, and I practically binged on them. I'm very much a compulsive eater, and WW allowed me to continue to be that way. This is only my third day on MFP but the binging (even on fruit) has nearly entirely dropped off. It just keeps you so much more aware and accountable.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    I used to be very pro-weight watchers. I've even been on it 2-3 times and lost some weight.

    Then I heard one of WW's statistics that a huge percentage (I don't remember the exact percent, but it was around 90%) of people gain all their weight back when they go off WW. This was mentioned at a meeting as a reason why to stay on the program. Then it occurred to me, WW is just a business. It isn't a smart business plan to have your customers become self-sufficient without your company.

    Personally, I think MFP works much better.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I lost the majority of my weight on WW. Yeah if you stop you'll gain the weight back but it's just like if you stop MFP or any other method to lose weight & not go into a maintainance program ;)

    I personally love the program and do both to make sure I'm eating enough. I burn a lot of calories a day through teaching exercise classes & sometimes I don't think I'm eating as much as I should sometimes.
  • dlhenry511
    I have done WW. I tried it online and in person meetings. I did loose the weight and it was easy to follow BUT I am choosing not to do it again for these reasons

    1. Money - it costs a lot and really all you are getting is group time and a weigh in. All things that can be done on MFP

    2. Points - I liked the old points system, but the new one seems a bit too much. I can not believe the amount of points people get on the new system.

    3. The food you consume. I was in the mind set that I could eat anything as long as I pointed it out. So if I wanted a cheese burger for example from a fast food resturant, I would get it, point it , and not each much after that. That is not good. I would fill up on a lot of processed pre packaged things because they were low points and I was not getting a lot of "real foods"

    That has been my experience on WW. I did loose weight, (maybe 20-25 lbs) but I put it all back on when I stopped. My new lifestyle is getting away from the processed foods and eating more real foods. It has been a very big adjustment for me and I am still trying to figure it all out. But I know that what I am doing now will stick with me going forward because I am not dieting I am just choosing better options. Good luck either way!
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    I think the new WW plan is good. I used the old one years ago and was successful but didn't like how an ice cream sandwich and a banana were the same points. Gee, what was I going to eat. Now they are focusing more on fruits and vegetables.

    The best way to get the materials is to pay to attend one week (like $12) buy the materials at the meeting (you will now need the books and the calculator), and stay for the meeting to get the general info. AFter the meeting the leader will be happy to speak with you and set up your calculator etc.

    That being said, I didn't lose this time around with WW. I am now pretty confident that it was because I wasn't eating enough. I tried to not use my activity points or extra weekly points and I think it just wasn't enough calories for me. See, I have been SO "healthy" since Jan. 3 of this year and tried both WW and another plan and only lost 2 lbs. (which would come and go.) Now that I am eating back my exercise calories here I am finally down 5 lbs. and a few inches. It was almost as if I was being punished for being "too good." Now I feel so much better! So, if you do go the WW route, eat your activity points and at least half of the weeklies to start!

    Good luck!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Weight watchers has you counting points (calories with you realizing it) and your paying them. MFP is free...and has you doing the same thing.

    Everything about weight loss is calories in calories out. You have to create a deficit to lose weight. It REALLY is that simple.
  • bootlebop1979
    I am currently following WW PointsPlus. I go to my weekly meeting and sometimes go more than once during the week for support and conversation. It's also, "ME TIME"!

    I had a successful weightloss on WW "old plan" about 6 years ago. I lost 82lbs!!!!

    Here I am again back at what I know works for me after child #2 and have lost 38lbs so far. I am 14lbs away from goal and I will love ALL the rewards once reaching lifetime(which includes WW for free!!)

    I am using MFP as well for the visual daily intake. It is also another place of support and encouragement =) Between WW and MFP, I will be healthy for the rest of my life!!!!
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I lost 70 lbs. doing weight watchers online.

    Great program and I highly recommend it!!
  • Mcnaryc
    Mcnaryc Posts: 1
    Weight Watchers worked for me for the first month and then I had a hard time losing more after that. I did not go to the meetings and didn't do it online but my friends that are going to the meetings love it. Going to the meetings and doing it online is the BEST way to do it if you choose to go that route. It is just a different way to count calories essentially and you do have some fruits and some veggies counting as free points where as here they still count as calories on MFP. If you eat too few of calories then your weight loss could be harder to achieve. If you think that you shouldn't be eating that many calories then weight watchers will cause you to eat more calories just at a healthier level.

    My friends are doing WW while I'm doing MFP and essentially it's the same thing except one is free and has bigger numbers counting wise ;-).