

  • you ARE a runner . . . keep saying it, even if you are running a few steps . . . your mind is very powerful, especially when it comes to running.
  • I think it's important to remember that a lot of emotion is lost through typing. While reading another persons post, we might be experiencing other emotional responses, totally unrelated, that we place onto the words that were typed by a person who maybe was trying to type an answer quickly before returning to work. . . or…
  • Check out Jamie Eason on Body Building dot Com - she has lots of great work out programs. If you lift heavy enough you will see a huge change in 4 weeks.
  • Keep going - you won't be sore everytime you run and the cardio will be a great way to push the lactic acid through your muscles. Also, be sure you drink plenty of water, it will help too!
  • Keep it up with the weight training, it makes all the difference in the world . . . I have learned from experience. Also, weigh less often than once a week -after a rest day. From what I have read your muscles tend to hang onto fluids after training to help with recovery which will affect what the scale is showing.…
  • Eat your 1620 calories and continue to exercise. Make sure the food you choose is clean and drink a ton of water, you'll be fine. Don't stay at 1200 with exercise, it's not sustainable long term - which is what we all need to focus on. Good Luck!
  • Oh, my heart hurts for you right now! Your health and what makes you happy is what matters. Your job in your marriage is to be the best person you possibly can - you are not that person if you give up your passion. I have been through what you are going through and it seriously stalled my progress. I thought I was doing…
  • I find that when I sabatoge I am actually afraid of going to the next level - and I am subconsiously messing things up. The minute I recognize what I am doing, I comfort myself with words and it helps. Weightloss is a HUGE emotional issue - stop beating yourself up - BREATHE - and look internally at what's going on.
  • If your monitor has a chest strap and it is configured to your weight, height, age and sex then your numbers are going to be as close as you can get to 'perfect'. I have used a HRM for the past 3 years and LOVE it. Good luck!
  • Welcome! You can do this!! Having friends on MFP really helps me stay motivated! Request friendships as you see people that you have things in common with . . . :-)
  • Also, make sure your cycle is adjusted correctly. Usually the "saddle sores" are caused by not enough tension - so you are moving in your seat without even realizing it. I would say about 4 classes and I wasn't sore anymore - good luck!